
Just awful. I hope the driver is found and held accountable.

Uh... watch the video? Dude's wearing a T-shirt with that picture.

I know I'm not the only person in the world but obviously enough people shared my opinion - even within the US - that Microsoft had to take action. Notice how lacking their advertising of TV features has been ever since people looked at it and though "Lol, what?"

Works now, for me.

The Xbox One wasn't built around DLNA functionality, what are you talking about? They built it to coincide with cable companies and view live cable channels like ESPN. As I said, I live in Ireland. A cable box is WILDLY irrelevant to me, and trying to market a console around that fact is even more ridiculous. People

Functioning as a DLNA media server is not the same as a shite cablebox service which is only of the remotest of interest WITHIN the US. As someone living in Ireland, it's irrelevant.

Thanks, Tina! Looks like the old adage "Endings tend to suck" still applies, bar a few exceptions. If the main gripe was a sub-par ending though, I'll take it. Looks like a lot of fun otherwise!

I'll let you guys know how it is when it launches in the UK on December 6th! :D

That's pretty impressive going. Clearly the system is benefitting from the huge ram and octocore CPU. Less than 30 seconds for most games, less than a minute for huge games like Killzone and Battlefield. Wow!

Obligatory PSN ID swapping thread? Same name as Kotaku ID. I need a considerable boost to my friends list.

Clichés in FPS titles are bad now?

We don't want media services, we want the ability to use our console as a streaming box, like the PS3. I stream movies from my laptop to the PS3 quite often. I'd like to do the same with my PS4.

It's friggen tiny man. Look at some set-up videos on Youtube, or the Kotaku article showing the Hong Kong conference where the UI was shown off. Tiny and thin.

Not sure about HTML5, but many developers - including Facebook themselves - are singing the praises of the PS4's browser. I'd imagine it's pretty up-to-date.

Trolled softly. Well played.

Aren't all hard drives like this though? Around 7 - 9% of the full size taken up for making the hard drive work (or something). The best examples being a 320gb hard drive has 298gb of usable space, without including the space required by Windows, for example.

Thingken of fast...ing. ;_;

My town's one, solitary claim to fame:- his birthplace. *insignificance*

Thanks man, good idea. A game this pretty deserves to be properly enjoyed.

Your autism in wonderful.