
Sorry man, I couldn't edit my original post in time to include the link.

If you want it then you should've put a red ring on it.

The truly dense turn to "They hate MS anyway so it doesn't count!" even after providing a link.

Sure thing, pleb.

Aren't all hard drives the same in that they never give the full allotment?

I wouldn't imagine so, no. But given how close we are to launch, it's got to have been a pretty damn-near final build. I'll reserve judgement for the launch impressions, but I'm really hoping it's all sorted.

It's a human trait. We see it everywhere. From our food (McDonalds vs. Burger King), to our sports (Team X Vs. Team Y), to our music (Bieber sux metal 4 lyf!) to our religious beliefs (Atheists: God sux/Religions: Your religion is wrong lol). It permeates every facet of humanity.

The date of this article is today, man...

I get it. Different consoles, different exclusives, differing tastes. I've felt let down by MS this past year (originally was Pro-XBO), but living in Ireland, and seeing a console £70 more, which was trying to sell itself on a bunch of TV features which are completely irrelevant outside of the US (we STILL haven't got

I can't help but feel that were CoD delayed until the next-gen launch, it could have benefited from an extra few weeks of much-needed optimization. I believe optimization is the most serious flaw here currently.

I don't believe a video can accurately show this, but it still shows a choppy framerate. I'm not debating that the game doesn't look fantastic - because it really does. It's graphics are extremely pretty and visually impressive. However, in a large Zombie crowd with a basic weapon, I can only assume - until it's

No, I agree with you. I'm hoping it's an optimization issue, but it's still pretty bad this close to launch. I'm getting a PS4 [for now] but I have a vested interest in seeing XBO succeed also. This game looks fantastic, too. It'd be a shame to let it get so horribly let down by this.

Sorry bud.

"It's also unfortunate that the game runs at far from the promised locked 30fps - rather a chugging 20fps during the zombie action while out in the big city."

Any news on Kotaku's end about the other powder keg - that Dead Rising 3 runs 720p and struggles with 30 fps, averaging between 20-25 fps? It's one thing to complain about miniscule differences in resolution, but you can't argue with a sub-30 frame rate.

Awww damn, that sucks. Shameless cash grab to only have the one chapter. :(

I've never played a Killzone game, but this looks fantastic and I'm looking forward to playing it at launch. I hope it's not too unforgiving to newbies to the series.

Is there just the one scenario? I've never got to the end of it yet, but I was under the impression you unlocked Chapter 2 after that... is that not correct?

...Are you being serious?... You know nothing about children. Holy shit. I'm literally stunned.

Excellent. This seems like a game completely coated and dripping with charm. Looking forward to trying it out!