
I'm in the UK mate, and in no way, shape or form is there a "higher interest" in XBO over PS4. It's simply not true.

Orcs, too.

I've found it impossible to find a European gamer even remotely interested in the Xbox One. Do they exist? I know Sony have a scarily large advantage over here, but given the oddly vocal MS fanboys lately, there seems to remain a small pocket of resistance around, trying to fight off Sony's dominance with mace weapons

Hard to say, though I definitely think that when the next-gen consoles are out, people looking to purchase one over there will think "This place had that amazing trade in deal, I should check it out and see if there are any next-gen offers or deals."

They'll take a financial hit, certainly. But they'll also secure some unbelievably positive PR - as well as the loyalty of some customers. This is the important bit, particularly in the run-up to the holiday season.

Really? Because - speaking as a literal Irishman, and imbiber of alcoholic beverages - it just seems like he's totally rat-arsed to me. :]

How is banning a console of someone who was giving them a VERY MUCH needed PR boost MS's fault? Gee, I dunno Patrick.

I have a dream. A dream that one day Microsoft will not be undone by failing to learn from its numerous mistakes and failures this past year. But that day is not today. In a story which was almost entirely positive, and was getting people talking about the console (which, like it or not Xbox Fans - it REALLY needs),

Sure thing, Dicksmack.

The point isn't that he wants to work his ass off to be able to get both consoles. The point is he's bitching about the fact he chose to do it. It's not a difficult concept to grasp.

QUOTE | "I don't think there's really anything that new with this set of consoles."—Will Harbin, CEO of hardcore social game publisher Kixeye, on why he's not that excited about the PlayStation 4 or the Xbox One.

Specifically console banned him. Just proves Microsoft really don't know how to learn from their mistakes.


Uh... what?

You're right. It is. This guy, however, is complaining about the fact he's working overtime to pay them off when he won't have a lot of time to play them. Like he's being forced to.

Working overtime to pay off both next gen consoles, when you're only going to be able to play them for a very short amount of time per week is - for lack of a better, more understanding term - fucking retarded.

How can you kill that which has no life?

Am I the only one who actually enjoyed Infinite Undiscovery? It was clichéd to hell, absolutely, but it was still fun.

I wonder how long it'll be before someone [besides me] makes a Gaylords of Draenor joke.

Obligatory "did xbox pay u for this article?" comment.