
Isn't Titanfall delayed until March? As fun as the game looks (and it does look fun), I wouldn't say it's a system seller when it's coming on PC too. My asshole still hurts from the last several times Microsoft shafted it, so I have severe reservations about jumping into bed with them again. :P


Just bought one tonight, myself. Saw a great offer in a local store of a 3G Vita with the 8 game/8gb memory card megapack for £140. Just finished downloading Persona 4: Golden (first time playing this one) so I'm looking forward to it.

I just wanted to say, your choice of [CONSOLE] really [DISPARAGING REMARK]. Get a better system, like [CONSOLE] or get your [ANATOMICAL REGION] checked.

The rules are simple, dude. You don't take a joint from a guy named Don, and you don't click any external links on YouTube channels.

Sucks you're giving up on the fun, mate. I bowed out near the beginning of this, but I've enjoyed watching spectrumfox make an utter pillock out of himself. Thanks for contributing to the endlessly entertaining act of winding the fanboy up and letting him go.

Sadly I never seem to learn my lesson. I bought a 3DS at launch. Then a Wii U at launch [lol], now a PS4.

Not quite. People who had preordered an Xbox One - of which I know many - felt that a next-gen console which couldn't support 1080p, when it's cheaper rival can, is unacceptable.

Probably, but there are so many people who actually believe that, posting on this very site. It's hard to know. :(

Thanks for uploading these for my purrusal.

Destiny, like CoD, Watch Dogs and AC were shown only running on a Sony console because - at launch - they provided the best quality picture. It's only natural for a developer to want their game to look at its best. That was a developer decision, not a Sony one.

I fear you have been misled by Microsoft's clever marketing (read: lying bullshit). The cloud won't make games look 4x better, nor will it support 4K, OR 120fps. Not for a good few years.

Uh... he was talking about current gen, not next gen. Your original comment said the PS3 was the less powerful, which it isn't.

560Ti was a helluva card though. I originally spent close to £400 on my 3GB 580, and felt like a tool when I discovered I could've saved a fair chunk of change by putting in 2x 560Ti's, and also gain a 30% performance boost.

Chill out Microsoft fans. It's not going to be too bad sitting at the back of the bus this gen.

*le angsty xbone preorder regret faec*

Yeah I had the same problem. I'm no longer a PC gamer, but I was until about 2 years ago (had a 3Gb GTX 580/ i7 2600k at the launch of Battlefield 3 til I had to dismantle and sell it). However, my steam library still clocks in at over 200 games, most of them new-ish and picked up in those pesky sales. ;_;

"Resolutiongate" claim the media sites reporting on it. But well played, Captain Ignorance.