
It's terribly silly, I agree. But then companies like this do silly stuff all the time. Back at E3, Microsoft paid certain developers to show off their game as an Xbox One title. We were only told it was actually a multiplatform game once the conferences ended and journalists took to the floor.

Apologies, I got it slightly wrong, the embargo is for the 15th (PS4 launch), I got them confused. So, no Xbox One footage until a week before their console launches.

There are PC videos out there. I believe Forbes has one showing it on max settings.

Awesome. Definitely taking advantage of the £10 upgrade offer. Graphics look significantly better.

Ricky Gervais, is that you? Obviously?

le brain fart faec

You really believe puppeteer won't sell 50,000 copies worldwide...?

Great read, thanks Brian. I really enjoyed the insight.

It was considered a success in marketing terms. People fell for the hype and bought something which was immensely underwhelming (I know, I bought one. It was shite.) But because of how much it was marketed, it sold. Once that died down, they started bundling it with Xbox360 bundles. Now, even though people are aware

"people who want kinect"... know you of such a people?!

UK and EU won't get many sales anyway. PS4 has won the market here by a significant margin.

Unlikely, but go on.

The irony, of course, being 'buzzword' is now a buzzword being used by utter twats trying to sound cool.

Fuck off back to /v/. These wankers ARE entitled. Just because others liberally throw it around doesn't mean it isn't applicable here, which it certainly is.

In a zombie apocalypse, children won't be immune. Why should they be immune in a video game seeking to simulate such an occurrence?

Please, please, PLEASE do a Shogunate Assassin's Creed! That would be amazing.

No, greedy. They took hundreds of keys at a time so they could resell them when the game stopped being free. It's pathetic and for a guy who just wanted to do something nice for fans of his work, really disheartening. :(

If you search for Aegislash on the GTS, you'll find I have one for trade. My request is 1x "UrMumbreon".

I really want Az's Floette. That pattern is awesome.

Greedy bastards.