
KNOXVILLE, Pa.—Police say a 40-year-old man in this small town near the New York state border "paid" children under 16 in video games for sex acts. Michael McCoy Seaman, 40, is facing 15 charges, among them sexual abuse of children. Investigators said Seaman paid the boys with games "if they allowed him to photograph

MASON, Mich.—Cops responding to a suspicious person complaint are looking for a "very thin male wearing a white hoodie," who was standing in the bushes outside a residence while all sorts of electronic devices inside went haywire. The unidentified complainant said he was "on the phone and computer and playing Xbox

I'd like the idea of Xerneas and Yveltal being stage hazards. Xerneas could grant some health recovery, since it represents Life; whereas Yveltal could do some damage or instant-KO anyone near it.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's because Xbox users look over at PSPlus owners and see us getting games like Metal Gear Revengeance (in Europe next week) and Batman: Arkham City etc., whilst they're being generously given Halo 3 or Assassin's Creed 2.

Sent off a bunch of Haunter and Eevee. 95% of the time I get shitmon back. I have gotten a few semi-decent pokemon though. I felt generous enough to WT a Sylveon and got a lvl 3 Pidgey back nicknamed "THX4THEPOKE". Never again.

I literally laughed until tears ran down my face when I saw this was real.

Oh man I can't wait for this. I got into persona pretty late with P3:FES on PS2, but I played the hell out of the game and enjoyed every second of it.

"I didn't fact check this"

Finally someone said it. I suspect most of the Hoenn love comes from people whose first Pokémon game was Gen 3. Really makes me feel old now.

I'd say there's an equal number of references to Sinnoh from my experience with the game. Sinnoh remake confirmed?

top lel m8

This article flew a little too high over your head.

I was initially sceptical of Greninja, but I committed to my original TeamFroakie choice and stuck it out. Now that I've actually seen him in battle, I love him. The use of ninja poses and moves is great, though none can touch my Mega Gengar. He has made many an orphan.

Not liking Conan the Barbaracle confirms your lack of taste, sir.

The Wii was not more powerful than the cube at all. It was nearly identical.

Battle Revolution has shit looking graphics. A battle between X/Y versus Battle Revolution is favoured to X/Y.

I'm going to guess the mistake was that the Ground/Fairy type is actually Rock/Fairy type, in Carbink.

I'd strongly suggest you go back and look at N64 graphics again. Assuming you weren't a baby when the N64 was out, this game is closer to Gamecube graphics. Which makes sense, given that the 3DS is as powerful as the Wii, which was just a modified Gamecube anyway.

I quite like the keychain pokemon for one reason: the lore behind it. It's a pretty commonly known mythos/superstition that if you lose or misplace something, it's because a fairy has mischievously taken or moved it. That's what this thing represents.

Known ones so far, updated today: