
Streisand Effect time?

I had Pokemon Blue back when I was in P4/P5. I remember towards the end of the year in P6, my Primary School took some of us on a trip to England (I'm in N. Ireland). My parents gave me a bunch of spending money to take with me, since it was a week-long trip. The first shopping centre we came across in England, I

I literally laughed out loud when I saw what the graphics 'card' they were including was. Especially with the audacity of the price.


Google for LucarioPK's fansub, it's 720p and well translated. I watched it all last night.

Uh no, no it doesn't.

All of this 'hurt feelings' bullshit is why I really enjoy American pseudo-politics. Someone on stage issues a genderless statement (this person), someone who doesn't feel like they are, in fact; a person, takes issue with statement and adopts a victim complex. Cue millions of comments about how badly she was

After a couple of people chimed in on their thoughts on the PS3 version, and with the promise of a free PS4 upgrade on the horizon, I decided to pick it up on the PSN store. It doesn't disappoint at all.

I'm 23. This scene literally made me flinch.

Out in the UK December 6th! Can't wait!

And... cue the disappointment from not receiving a unified account system.

I feel horribly dead and empty inside knowing the book has now been closed on Breaking Bad.

Post a warning next time. I nearly spat out my tea all over my monitor. ;_;

I am endlessly amused by American "news" media. Please, don't ever stop.

Also worth noting is the NintendoUK facebook page, on posting that trailer, confirmed the UK were getting it before the end of 2013.

This looks fantastic.... but... 2spooky.

Android consoles. Android consoles everywhere.

Hmmm. Do you mean the PC players spawn before PS3 players, or all players spawn first? I don't know much about how the game works.

Yeah that's a definite plus. Planning on getting a PS4 at launch (stock-willing, of course!) I'm just hoping the game is easy enough to control with a controller.