
Does Batman saving a woman constitute RAPE?

This looks cool. I'm thinking of picking it up, but I don't have a gaming PC. Can anyone tell me if the PS3 version is any good?

Definitely give it a go. If you've never played a game in the series before, it's definitely worth checking out. It has a lot of charm that you can't really explain well, but you enjoy every step of your journey.

Thankfully I was a mission or two away from what you've just spoiled. I imagine a lot of other people will be pretty mad though.

tfw 7 billion cps

Not surprised. Kinect 1 was a boring, over-hyped piece of shit. Now it seems Kinect 2 is following the trend.

I could sit and read the GTA-equivalent of Twitter (Bleeter) for hours on end. It is brilliant some of the things you can read, like "You know your life sucks when you have a small penis but you are too poor to overcompensate for it. #LiberalArtsGraduate". Likewise, some of the LifeInvader comments/arguments between

Mate, they're still called Fries in the UK. Chips are the thick boyos from a fish and chipshop.

Thick Fries are called Chips you silly Americans.

[citation needed]


Trolled softly.

Yeah, what Velt said.

I would watch the hell out of that Team S.C.I.E.N.C.E show.

RIP Microsoft. Xbox Done.


The point Rockstar were going for, I believe; was iFruit being top of the charts for 'expensive', Samsung being middle-line for quality, with WP being the cheaper and less-used of the bunch.

Reminds me of my phone, too. A Galaxy S3 Mini.

Ignoring that the female hacker gets a bigger cut than the men at 15%.

>Daily Mirror