
Well, it seems like I have to restart my game after a whole day of playing.

Meanwhile, the rest of the world is laughing at how this brand of tabloid reporting is considered 'news'.

My mind was blown, too. Still stunned over the episode.

This serves mainly to highlight a more sinister problem with reviews, and indeed all forms of social media - retarded commenters.

I played GTA 3 when I was like 13, and Vice City underage, too. I was fully aware the entire thing was a video game, and not a simulator of real life. Granted I didn't get a lot of the references at the time (I knew about some drugs, and hookers, but I didn't know why you were playing an Ice Cream salesman in GTA Vice

I'm Pro-Sony, personally, but to say Kotaku is pro-Microsoft is utter twaddle.

Nope, it was a season 12 episode I think, one where Ike sees Dead Celebrities. The ghost of Billy Mayes is running around trying to sell people Chipotl-away, a spray for removing the blood stains from underwear after eating Chipotle. xD

That... uh... doesn't help much. We don't have a Taco Bell here, either. But the rest of the comments have filled me in. I've added it to my list of foods-which-aren't-potatoes to try abroad.

Ah I see! Thanks very much for filling me in!

What is Chipotle? I live in N. Ireland and my only point of reference is the South Park episode where it makes you crap blood.

Given Microsoft's history of shady business practices, I can definitely see them paying developers to keep their PS4 version gimped.

I had an Unholy DK named Sithilis after evil Star Wars dudes and the STI.


Why would you contact The Pokemon Company over scans from CoroCoro? They're always accurate.

Yeah, I'm calling bullshit that they wanted to be where their consumers want them to be. There was colossal uproar and flak from consumers before the thing was even revealed, during the Adam Orth "Douchebag Saga", something Microsoft tried to alleviate fears and concerns over by getting rid of Orth and saying "Ssssh,

Because unfortunately for all of us, the vast majority of the public - including elected officials - are not of the mindset that mental health is the actual issue, and don't see the 'common sense' there. It's those people, many as they are, who need to be won over with definitive "THIS IS FALSE" results.

Your statement implies that the investigating body is just going to copy and paste the same research experiments performed by other scientists. Whilst I'm aware of the research showing against direct causation (I wrote a Psychology paper supporting the findings of Christopher Ferguson), I also believe there are

So... can I ask why there's an outcry about this bill? It seems that the biggest argument against violent video games is that there is no causal link. This bill proposes an indepth study to research if there is any causally related links, and people are pissed off?

Why not just download it?

What a lovely message this sends to everybody who isn't green.