
October 31st [UK]

I really hate you for posting that, because you're absolutely right. :(

It's okay, I guess. Doesn't have quite the same ring to it though.

You get all the points for the Extras reference.

I'm certainly not going to admit I'm wrong to a total nerdlinger like you.

Sounds like typical nerd talk to me. Keep trying to justify your own nerdy profession, nerd.

On the off chance that you're not just a "LE EBIN TROLE xD", and actually are one of the biggest dipshits to ever grace this site: Kotaku has the word Otaku in it. Look up what that word means, then you'll realize why you're a fucking retard for getting antsy about anime on this website.

These stories always make me laugh.

I'm not defending it, I'm merely saying it works. It does. The results speak for themselves.

It's called having business sense. And it works. Just because it goes against your code of honour doesn't make that any less true.

Pikmin isn't a true system-seller. Despite it's hype, it's still a niche game.


Your common sense and logic feel out-of-place in this miasma of 'end is nigh!' comments.

@Voxavs Definitely my favourite PW track. Always got me super pumped when it started playing after presenting crucial evidence.

Maybe it's just my potato-caked Irish palate, but when I had the opportunity to try a Twinkie I found it sickeningly sweet - to the point where I felt like I was going to throw up after one bite.

This duck definitely lifts.

She looks like a vastly worn-out sex doll. Of the 'Discontinued Model' kind.

...Seriously? This is a thing?

@endles Nope because their television ideas ONLY appeal to the North American market. To everyone else in the world being alienated by that, particularly as I'm in the UK; I could care less.