
I'm confused.

Obligatory "Hah, this isn't even my final form!" comment.

Genuinely jumped when he appeared right in front of him. Well played.

I, for one, welcome our new ocular overlords.

Because double entendré is all about double-meaning, and therefore not a violation. Nobody gives a shit they got thrown out of the conference, they give a shit because this hypocritical bitch used her status to start a PR shitstorm, when her job title is supposed to be as a liaison to primarily "young male"

I'll connect the dots for you:


The descriptions you have read elsewhere are completely and utterly wrong.

I'll grant your wish. You are wrong.

They were using double entendré. The beauty of double entendré is the meaning is applied by the listener, not the speaker. That uppity bitch was listening into a conversation between two guys, deliberately speaking in entendré so as to observe the rules of the convention. She chose to apply a sexual meaning, which is

Serious question: Did you even read the article, or did you skim through it?

Fucking mongoloids.

Hm, maybe I'm just not familiar with that sort of culture, aside from experiencing it on the internet. In Ireland there's a high or equal level of female gamers to male gamers. It was a common sight, and not really a 'jaw dropper' to see. Not that I'm not above making eye contact with an attractive girl in a store,

Best Metaphor Award 2013 - Nominee

I'm not sure it's the average male, at least not where I live [Ireland].

holy sht ur a girl!? asl?! add me on msn plz xxxxxxxxxx

Now... kiss!

<3 American Media.

I'm pretty disgusted by the level of Dickery shown by the assholes responding to her like she's pathetic for not wanting her kid to be confused by difficult controls or mechanics.
