
Satire escapes you, my simple-minded friend.

ur so mad im guna get u som ice 2 cuul down so u wont b so mad

Wow, you've goggled a new ideology. Congratulations!

Always simultaneously amusing and contemptible when fuckwit Americans think everything can be categorized into two main camps: liberal and conservative. The rest of the world disagrees with you. Nice generalizations though.


Mongoloid detected.

I don't have the game, Sim City (or any Sim game, for that matter) is anathema to me. Whilst I believe that EA are a very shoddy corporation, are responsible for the most damning aspects of modern game culture and are extremely childish in their attitude towards Nintendo; they are still a business. If they say they're

Even if it's a $20 game, within the next few days all of the servers will be fixed; so why would people complain about getting a free $20 game on top of their $60-$80 game which now works?

>believing rumour

Rick Roll was a reskin of Duck Roll, so yes; they do.

I'm fucking crying with laughter right now.

I love the multitude of people are replying to comments saying how weed isn't addictive. Sorry, but whilst it may not have 'addictive' physical properties, it most certainly has psychological addiction properties; and these are every bit as prominent as physical addiction.

Weed as a substance is not addictive, though there is such a thing as "Psychological Addiction", which is every bit as gripping. That much is clear when he believed that smoking weed took away the pain and began using it as a coping mechanism.


Number #3 looks like Ben Stiller.

Every time I hear more bullshit from this 'News' station, which you folks stateside actually permit it to call itself; I instantly tear up with laughter.


Totes emulating Dead Space 2 with the monster babies.

God Bless Free Stuff.

They've already made movies about him. One of which is called "Rambo". A game is just the next step.