
...exactly... ergo they are not unhappy?

No, they do not rely on humans. I have it the correct way round.

Speaks fo' yoursef, 'massa.

Except, Pokemon don't rely on humans. At all.

Except that doesn't work, as 'Slave' denotes a lack of choice in the matter.

dat Ash

dat Ash

It's probably just my confusion as someone living in a country with a law enforcing bullshit to be restricted to Tabloid newspapers, and under no circumstances ever be allowed to call itself mainstream 'News'; but every single time I see a clip from Fox News my fucking blood boils over that these cunts are allowed to

As someone who restarted and completed White 1 this week, there's a part to that conversation after the Plasma conversation which has gone unnoticed; and denies that allegory to slavery.

Modern spoiled culture at work here, clearly. Actually making good on the threat to call Child and Family Services (known as Social Services here) is exactly the same thing in my eyes as what this 19 year old did. The differences being primarily cultural. Those neighbours and onlookers now think this man's father is

Because when your console breaks down, and you're left without it, it makes sense to return it under the store's warranty for an instant new one rather than wait weeks/months for a Nintendo warranty.

"...a disturbing majority of parents truly believe their kids can do no wrong, and an even more disturbing amount of the kids grow up genuinely believing that..."

Well yes, I suppose "shame" would be a more appropriate term, but I'd disagree with the supposition that everything is motivated by fear. Yes, as I said in my last post, fear is an extremely powerful motivator. But the fear itself is of "experiencing that feeling of shame", in this context.

Welcome to 'Page-Hit' journalism.

Gonna come out and say it, I actually liked the game's online mode. A lot.

I've played a game for an entire day once, due to an addictive personality and an almost OCD need to finish it due to how enjoyable it was - that and I kept kidding myself into thinking that, since I had played for SO LONG so far, I must be nearly done and that it was therefore okay to continue as I nearly finished

You're attributing a Western set of ethics, morals and personal views through a lens to an Eastern culture. Cross-cultural study is a very interesting thing.

Are you being serious...?

Hahaha, well played, sir.

You're a fucking moron. The game was due out in 2 weeks. What the fuck do you think?