
My problem isn't that it's going multiplatform, it's that the Wii U game is FINISHED AND READY, yet Ubisoft are delaying it until SEPTEMBER just to have them simulataneous - when it was originally supposed to be - and was billed as - Wii U Exclusive.

inb4 "It should be called Murdered: Final Fantasy Series".

I'm going to be pretty furious if my Wii U ever breaks down before Nintendo sort this out. It's a complete and utter joke. I've spent £250+ on the Wii U eShop buying ZombiU, New Super Mario Bros. U, Nintendo Land, Darksiders 2, Trine 2 and Little Inferno. If these are lost forever just because Nintendo's console is

I know, how retarded is that? I would've went with Kung-Fuck, personally.

Freaks like this are why I never want to visit Japan. Otaku anti-socialites thinking they can go and get an Asian/Japanese woman just by not being Asian and worshipping their culture, society and creativity; despite not having the confidence to pick up a woman in their own country.

2deep4u America?

Air technically is region-locked lol, you can't breathe Japanese air when you're in America. Likewise I can't breathe American air when I'm in Ireland. Not to mention the 'sea air', and the hilarious selling of 'jars of Irish/insert country here/etc. air' on eBay which seem to sell.

With the exception of the Digital Copy of NintendoLand, this bundle was available in the UK at launch, though nearly impossible to get without pre-ordering.

Given that he was pepper sprayed by homeless people twice, and sees a lot of crazy homeless people, I'd wager the smell of faeces and urine comes from them.


"There is someone who works for Mojang named "MinecraftChick". She never played video games, her first foray into gaming was Minecraft."

Looks like that time traveller chap was right! (2nd from the end, August 9th 2013) This would be the beginning of the end for Microsoft, thanks to the horrible Windows 8 and reflective sales thereof, and now this.

Isn't that a good thing when your money is at stake?

Thanks for this, it made my day. I laughed. Hard.

For once they didn't totally shaft the UK with the same figures but different currencies.

Live Free and Troll Hard.

I wish I could get back into ZombiU, but I've beaten it 100%. 4 full runs of Survival Mode, 3 full runs on Normal with zero deaths, and my first ever run which had 13 deaths. My very last run on Survival though still managed to freak me out: I got complacent and forgot about one of the jump scares hahaha.

Definitely! I'm really excited for Aliens: Colonial Marines. The motion sensor was my favourite part of ZombiU (even being terrified to move forward, only to find out the red dots were rats or crows!), so I'm really looking forward to a similar sense of fear with Aliens.

She seems to have lost a few lbs in the left version.