
Xerneas is also a play on XNA, which is synthetic DNA capable of evolving due to Natural Selection. Given that its horns look like chromosomes (certainly more chromosome than neuron), this fits with the whole theme of evolution in Pokemon.

Xerneas is also a play on XNA, which is synthetic DNA capable of evolving due to Natural Selection. Given that its horns look like chromosomes (certainly more chromosome than neuron), this fits with the whole theme of evolution in Pokemon.

Well spotted, and correct. I'm in Ireland.

I wouldn't hold my breath for any American sources, that's for sure.

The fact such a thing could even HAPPEN in the first place to a national postal service is precisely why such a concept is alien to me.

No, I know the word perfectly and chose it as such. I'm commenting on the issue as someone who isn't an American. To anyone outside the US, such favouritism by a frigging postal service is beyond fucking stupid.

American problems. ^

That's exactly what I mean. The whole thing just seems like a parody, it's so stupid. The idea that your postal service would single out a company to hand sort their mail is such an alien concept to me that it seems like a farce.

Kotaku have reported on it before, but I'll just mention it again: Violent Video Games have not been linked in any possible way to real-life violence. At worst, there has been linkages to aggression. This is common sense, given how, as gamers; we tend to get slightly irate when someone who is better than us kills us

Favouritism in sorting mail? Are you fucking kidding me? This is several shades of retarded.

There is no argument to be had. Fox News is not a legitimate news source. Bias cannot and should not factor into news reporting. Fox News are only a parody of a newsroom.

Obviously, given that it's apparently seen as immature.

Immature? I think it's pretty clever, given that the French word for false is 'faux'.

Ironically making a home made bomb requires more effort than getting a gun in America.

Are you serious? That behaviour is not how a 'news' reporter should act. Period.

I know what you mean, I really like the community too. It's full of people looking to help others out - I, myself, am constantly giving hints and tips on the ZombiU community since I've beaten it on survival 4 times, and 3 times on Normal without dying. If I can give people some advice to let them enjoy the game even

Except that 90% of Nintendo Network's moderation is automated by a computer, similar to how Youtube's report system is. And is also liable to the same level of abuse from 'report-spamming' that YouTube suffers from.

As much as I like Miiverse, I don't think my inherent rage will subside for quite some time as I'm 1 week into a 2 week ban which was issued for replacing the word 'shit' with "$#!+". On a Call of Duty Black Ops (i.e. 18+ game) community.

The interesting thing about adrenaline, AKA 'Fight or Flight', is you never know what way you, personally, will react to a situation like this until you are in one. It's all very well the armchair shitheads talking about how foolish the guy was, but the truth of the matter is during 'fight or flight' mode, you make a

Commenting before the slew of self-entitled comedy critics saying the video isn't funny.