
Kill Nye the Science Guy LOL

He had a near fatal illness and required surgery on his larynx and throat. Hence why his voice is sort of weird.

RE: his voice, he had a serious illness and had to get surgery on his larynx. I remember him mentioning it on a much older video regarding why he hadn't updated in a long time.

Thing about humour is, it's subjective. Much like how my telling you to eat a dick will find a way to make someone laugh.

Haha, good one!

I love it when idiots post without actually reading or viewing the sources.

A couple. Though before someone links to 4chan's VP board and says I stole this theory from an anon; I'd point out I made the thread there.

It has to do with genetics, clearly, as instanced with the double helix. I was really getting at the clever naming of Xerneas as tying in with XNA - synthetic DNA capable of evolving through natural selection.

Not many people seem to have noticed, but whilst the 3-dimensions theory works and is probably correct; there is also a strong tie in to genetics. It's implied that X and Y could also be to do with Chromosomes, given that the Japanese logos for Pokemon X and Y have a double helix above the Japanese word for Pokemon.

Just to showcase how artists can draw some incredibly photographic drawings.

The funny thing about humour is that it's subjective. I can certainly see the funny side in a studio named 38 studios getting 38% of the vote; though I don't personally find it funny.

Correct. However, look at the japanese logos for it. Notice the double helix above 'Pokemon'.

Calling it now, real-life Riddler detected.

You are now consciously aware the X and Y are related to genetics.

Did you approach him with an un-washed, odour-riddled fanboy aura?

Uhm, yes it does. The game is a copyright nightmare, which is exactly why Nintendo have not and likely will not ever bring it to VC.

Vulgarity, on youtube, played a part in their decision to pull the plug? Are you serious? A more family friendly game channel? Wha.. I can't even think of anything to say. I'm stunned.

There is a common saying in the UK that American's don't understand satire. A very commonplace saying. That's what I was getting at with my comment.

"I've yet to meet..." does not mean "They don't exist".

As pretty much everyone else - who has ever used or seen a 3DS game being played in front of them - has said, screenshots of 3DS games always look atrocious. They never, ever look as bad as they do in a screenshot.