
"Remember, horrific, deplorable violence is okay! As long as people don't say any naughty words. That's what this war is all about!"


You didn't explain him anything.

If they made it a pretty good zombie game I'd love that, instead of a mediocre movie tie-in which is rushed, buggy and not very fun.

I'm gay and I find your logic offensive. And retarded.

The point of a convention is to get together with like-minded people and have some fun. Not to solve world hunger or other problems.

More like Chris Jizzini amirite guise?!!?!

Agreed. This is one of the examples were, as a GAYMER [brb getting arrested for infringement] I find it more than acceptable to use the world 'Faggot'. It has the appropriate level of venom and spite in a word that really just sums up what a 'faggot' someone like that really is.

That gif rocks!

Not true. It covers emergency medical treatments and life-saving treatments where possible. It also provides much better pricing than paying for it in the US would provide - if they charged him at all. It's normally covered under a holiday's insurance to the country - a very, very small premium paid on top of a flight

That's like, because of socialists, man.

Ye know... too much!


You are now aware the world did end and we're all now in the matrix. Wake up, Ne00bs!

inb4 'bonus easter egg' appears on the internet of a zoomed in BF3 or CoD screenshot, where 'Paid for by the NRA' is seen on the base of the guns.

Herp derp guns don't kill people, pixels of guns force people with guns to kill people.

Ferguson was one of my main sources I cited on a Psychology paper last year; about the lack of evidence for video game violence and real-world violence being causally related. Glad this is being shared to others.

Shock horror.

Yes, I'm mocking the condescending attitudes of others using similar words. I didn't think I had to explain that much.

I love this. So, so much.