
"it was submitted in a rude, and inappropriate manner, and will most likely be ignored, as it should be"

If that were the case it probably would be news-worthy to someone, somewhere.

Uh, no.

First off, I'm really responding via my inbox. Not clicking the article each time.

I wouldn't read the whole thing. Why would anyone, when the point is summarised in the title?

No, you've misunderstood. I commented because this particular piece of tripe was front page news on a gaming blog, and centres around some guy's opinion (which as many others have commented on; is slightly misguided).

It's called an opinion post. You don't have to read it. You don't have to care what I think.

Exactly, that is totally my point. If these are his own personal feelings, and it's not an article about games - Why the fuck is it front page news on a gaming blog?

That makes two of us!

Because it popped up as 'front page news', so to speak, and is neither news nor 'front page' worthy.

Interesting logic. I commented because it was 'front page news', so to speak. Neither deserving of 'front page' or 'news'. What's next: "Obama likes Jam on Toast, has Mario music on his iPod"?

I'm not meant to give a shit about one's motivations for giving up playing violent video games unless they have a mental health problem.

+1, I can't understand why we're expected to give a shit that someone is giving up violent games. I just do not care.

This is the exact same thing as causing your own personal Facebook drama, surrounding deleting your account. No one gives a shit.

Excellent! I think Kotaku could do with publishing that video as an article instead of bullshit editorials about how people are giving up violent games, which is the equivalent of causing your own Facebook drama about deleting your account - NO ONE GIVES A SHIT.

I think that qualifies as an 'oh, snap!' moment. My work here is done. Enjoy your day.

They did that in an old Penn&Teller: Bullshit! episode about violent video games. Took some 11 year old to a range to fire his fave gun from the games he played. Kid was crying afterwards.

Speaking as a Psychologist (though admitedly not an American), we _DON'T_ know better. Conflicting reports and studies are almost always coming out, many are seemingly related, but in most cases there is not enough data to infer causality.

Since you're also unable to do a simple Google search, here:

Last time you looked you didn't read the list properly either. Express is listed under "Compacts", not "Red Top". Both ARE tabloids though.