
"List of British tabloids

You've made the erroneous assumption that I'm American. I'm not. The Express IS full of the same tripe and shite that the Daily Mail is known for.

Technically Muk and Grimer were made out of human 'constructions'. Like a Chernobyl sewage system gone horribly wrong.

Fucking Magnemites, how do they work?

There's a cancerous stupidity to this post, indicated by the fact you're posting on Kotaku itself, and not in a "LOL I TROL U" way. You genuinely are a gormless fuck.

Doesn't matter what they call themselves, all British tabloids are full of total shit, spurious facts, and above all else: Read by gormless fucks around the country without a shred of intelligence.

Well said.

Sadly this is true. In a sense. MURKA has some top notch morons, but the main difference between their morons and the morons of other countries; is America's idiots are both more vocal and larger in number. Mostly due to how large the American Population is.

Next up on Fox News: "Hitler Plays Minecraft. Brought Back to Life by Space Nazis."

It's called satire.

I came across this argument on Twitter last night from user @DBCOOPA, I think it's well reasoned and argued. I'd also like to disclose that I'm in Ireland and don't agree with firearms in general; however that's not the point of this reasoned point:

Sheik called, your special-order tampons just arrived in at the Hyrule Castle Town Bazaar.

His expression is hilarious.

At least you clarified your bullshit with 'depending on the person'. Otherwise we're going to have a few hundred million school shootings going on simultaneously after Call of Duty finishes conditioning everyone to kill everyone. Phew!

I don't like attacking the unarmed in a battle of wits. I gave you the same calibre as your own high tier response.

1/10 for originality. Expected/10 for assuming I'm butthurt.

Disregard that, you suck cocks.

I was tagging Jesus in my reply so he could read the stupidity for himself and get a good chuckle. Right, @Jesus?

IGN and Gamespot's ZombiU reviews were accurate, well-reasoned, logically posited and correct. Said no-one, ever.

Jesus Christ.