
Anyone know if it's going to come out for the Wii U version?

umad sun-il?

+1 to you, sir. Excellent response.

"Japanese comedy site..."

Man, puberty will not be kind to you, sir.

Good point, except there are 30.

Basically, they're the fossilized shits left behind by Abe Lincoln. Purposefully hidden for would-be treasure seekers to - one day - discover.

Like I said in another thread, this pisses me off; and it isn't because Parental Controls are set up. I'm in the UK, and our Watershed is 9pm; so why have they made it 11pm? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Seems to be a UK thing then if you guys don't have the issue. But again, the UK law for adult content is 'after 9pm', not 11pm. And I was fairly sure it only applied to TV content.

It's not. I've checked, double-checked and triple checked. I even went in and SET UP parental controls so I could delete them afterwards. It must just be in the UK? Though since our watershed (adult content allowed to be viewed) is 9pm; I'm not sure what that has to do with making it 11pm here. Even then I'm not sure

It's fucking stupid protection is what it is. I don't need a fucking condom for my shopping or viewing privileges when I'm 23.

Maybe it's just in the UK? But if I try to select ZombiU (example) any time before 11 pm I get a message saying "Viewing time restrictions are in place for this content". Same with AC3. It's infuriating because there's no way to turn it off or stop it; even though Nintendo KNOW your age via your ID Profile.

Personally I'm beyond pissed off that the eShop requires me to wait until 11pm before I can view 18-rated games like ZombiU. The U.K. watershed is 9pm, so what the hell is 11pm doing there as a restriction? Hell, why is it even restricted for me in the first place?! I'm 23 for God's sake.

Does anyone know what the brand new system update is for? (just out now) It's jumping between 1 and 2 hours for time remaining.

Anyone know what the new update (now) just brought out/fixed?

+1 to this comment. Opinions are like nipples, everybody has them.

Your username suggests that you are, in fact, 10.

The other side couldn't be reached for comment as they're currently off swimming in a pool of our tears, making sure to dry themselves off (with major focus on the 'back/crack/sack' regions) with our hopes and dreams.

There's a Pinkie-Pie 'badge' on a backpack found against a wall in Zombi-U.

Any idea where I could buy one online (I'm in the UK)? I'd love to have the final issue just to own and show off in the future as a rare fossil of gaming culture.