
Good point, except it's nothing really to do with how electricity works or how fast it moves, and everything to do with the layout of the silica.

Guess his name should be Dbag761 AMIRITE?

I hope it was at punpoint.

Your constructive criticism has really influenced my decision to purchase this title.

I fucking love that opening intro track. I had to look it up as soon as I heard it to put straight on my ipod.

Based on the 2ch post, it's someone with a vendetta against the creator. Maybe he ripped off his idea or something, who knows? Either way, if the post is to be believed then the creator knows him.

These drugs are illegal, they're powder-based, and they definitely improve how you game. I put them to the test. /cocainebinge

I'm not the one who inferred it, I can see how it COULD be inferred. If you were talking with a friend about getting a Wii U, and they came out with "The Wii U has a horrible, slow CPU"; wouldn't you infer that your friend was using influential language to suggest that people who bought or liked said console were fans

They didn't, what you've clearly missed is the OP INFERRING that point, and replying about how he wouldn't let someone else's view colour his own opinion.

Thank you for breaking the trend in the ZombiU reviews. It seems UK reviewers praise the game, (with OfficialNintendoMag giving it 92%) whereas US reviewers seemed to hate it (no doubt because they couldn't play it properly or found it too hard). Despite the reviews, I'm picking it up on Friday when the Wii U releases

Hugh Laurie for Gordon Freeman 2030!

I'm sorry I almost split my sides laughing there. I should have clarified; I live in the North of Ireland. Our UK-BASED AND HOSTED radio is 100% objectionable. Just because I call out Israel for wrongdoing does NOT mean I support HAMAS. At all.

Actually I'm Irish. And a Psychologist. Obviously we don't speak arabic here. Just because the link is from 2009 doesn't mean it isn't true. Israel is at fault for it's propaganda war here, though both sides are at odds. It's an evolutionary trait for primates to engage in conflict over land and it's an issue as old



Israel are disgusting in their propaganda campaign and what disgusts me more is the UK media getting in on the propaganda too, almost as bad as the US media. We're at least supposed to be objective in our media here, but the BBC jumped straight onto the IDF bullshit wagon.

His point has gone completely over your head. He just said he won't be letting a small dev team he doesn't know of influence his purchases based on their own opinions. How is that a bad thing? If it was Capcom or Bethesda saying "you shouldnt buy a wii u", I'd still decide for myself.

Argumentum ad idiocy. I replied not because I care about what a smalltime developer thinks, but because I read something so stupid it put me on auto-pilot.

That went over your head a little.

Wrong assumption, but points for effort. I bought it from my work when it came down to £5 after a couple of months because I heard it was good. During the three hours I played it, it froze my console, I got stuck in a wall/the ground, and generally had a shitty time with it.