
Yeah boobs and genitalia are generally taboo over in the states. Which is ironic as most Americans I've met are either total tits, dicks or pussies.

Metro was more like 4th or 5th party. Just because one likes Nintendo a) Doesn't mean he's a fanboy or hates other consoles. He's already mentioned he's a frequent PC Gamer. And b) He's right. Why the hell should he care what a tiny developer who makes shitty, bug-ridden games thinks of a new console?

This screenshot sums up the rage. Note what the caption says; then note how it 'closed' after around 5 days.

See second paragraph of my response to the OP for accurate description of what you've just said. Know more about the situation before you post such utter shite please. Otherwise people will know you haven't actually read the article instead of just having to guess that you haven't.

Except that the map was captioned with this (see pic) which is entirely something to get angry about when its taken offline after ~5 days.

Borderline racist? Lol wut? That's how Ashley Burch actually talks you mong.

No they're fucking disgusting. We have a local importing sweet shop in my town [in N. Ireland]. I was looking forward to trying one until I had my first bite. It is sickeningly sweet to a fault. I felt ill after one bite.

Bard's Tale HD on my Nexus 7 says hello.

Can it be played in other ways than as twin-stick fps? That's kind of disappointing. Twin-stick FPS games get really boring, really fast. I was hoping ZombiiU would be awesome.

I'm pretty sure Nintendo will make a boner sooner or later and one will slip through.

"I guess it's true that many American's don't understand satire."

"The White House's bullshit feel-good "We the People" initiative is, like all Internet petitions, worth the paper it is printed on."

Probably because it originated there?

"That's only what "core gamers" thought. (Or whatever you want to call them.) "

Your puny American laws have no jurisdiction in Greece. We don't have a one-world government quite yet.

If you're posting stupidity, you are "monging kotaku".

Patricia achieved her goal of grabbing attention then, with the review. I neither care for nor use the term, personally; but I don't deny it's popularity and widespread use in gamer culture.


Did you twonks even watch the video? Dev clearly says classes are a loosely used term as you can be a dual wielding mage, a rogue who heals or anything you choose.

I don't think the gormless knuckle-walkers commenting here have quite realized the developers threw it in for a laugh, not to be an incredible tech video. I finished the campaign 10 minutes ago and thought it was excellent and fun, I laughed hard at the rock video because it was so unexpected.