
Two ways of looking at this.

If you knew anything about the game, you'd know they advertised heavily that they consulted with real Seal members. Should rename this site Derptaku.

Sadly, I actually agree with the majority of your points. I finished the game last night and I honestly loved the story. But some things are really broken, and I lost count of how many stealth missions I had to redo due to bugs or broken mechanics.

I have a choice today. I own a PS3 at the minute. I need to decide whether to get a 32GB Nexus 7; or an Xbox with Halo 4.

Reach was good. /opinion

Metacritic reviewers are the vegans at the dinner table of life. What do you expect other than face thumping stupidity?

calm down bro

I totally agree. Bravo, sir.

People like you should just commit suicide already. We have far too many gormless, knuckle-dragging commenters already. Drink some bleach.

Hahaha brilliant. It's always fun seeing people on here getting riled up over a god damn easter egg being spoiled. It's not like the article was on how Handsome Jack and Marcus elope at the end of the game in a flurry of romantic passion. WHOOPS.

I fail to see your point. An easter egg is something you're supposed to come across and say "oh that's pretty cool, they're giving a nod to X [Series/Game/Show]". It would be a much different story if the title of the article was "Shockingly, Handsome Jack is Actually Ugly Rick following surgery; the fan-favourite

Wow, that one struck a cataclysmic number on the idiot scale.