
The Chefs are the most relevant yet irrelevant team in NFL history.

I'm gonna shit a live turtle when they make the playoffs.

When JJ isn’t healthy, the Texan lose to the Chiefs, 30-0

Every Jets fan over 30 remembers where they were for these three terrible moments :

2016 : The Year Drew Broke Zodiac

Presentation starts : (Video of Allen & Stabler) Loud cheering...

I listen to this a LEAST once a month. I’m not from Philly, and I hate the fucking Eagles, Man. It’s the fact that it’s beyond hilarious.

I’m also from the Yo. That shit made me spit my shitty beer out. Thank you.


You think that’s rough, try playing the whole game without four of the top 10 guys on your squad. -JPP

You mean Einhorn...

Drew is a God. WYTS is genius. Quit jerking off to an autographed photo of T.O. Read them all. Sooner than later you'll run into a team you hate. Hilarity will ensue. You might shit your pants.

“You underestimate the power of the Dark Side.” - Randy Levine

“We aren’t giving up, we just can’t win.”

I’d expire without these. I want to shake Drew’s hand & I hope one day to have him buy me a glass of fine liquor. I want to hear the the fan stories they can’t even publish while trying not to piss my pants.

Why your team sucks is back!! It's Christmas in July!!!

Please write movies. Please.

Those dang kids!! With their loud music!! The long hair!! The raping!!

Another drone. Duh.

Nope, don't recall.