
Yeeeup. I still havea Sega Genesis and its original box (which is really enthused about 16 bit technology). Though, to be fair... who doesn’t wanna go back and play more Toejam and Earl sometimes?!

I swear, I’ll totally turn on my launch-era 360 I’ve had for over a decade again, even though more reliable models are dirt cheap and I can pick one up at any point!


Oh, THAT’S why I roll my eyes so much!

Why the long fa—-OH MY GOD

Thrown off the Alabama Supreme Court: Fine

Until the subdural hematoma kicks in.

WHOA! How does that guy get up? Must’ve been a glancing blow.

Thrown off the Alabama Supreme Court: Fine

If only the horse had given him what he deserves:

The GOP sold its soul 35 years ago with Reagan. The rest is just shit circling down the drain into a herpes infected cesspool.

And now you’re on a NSA list, SAD.

I will dance and sing the day Trump is assassinated or dies from some cardiovascular issue. I don’t care how it happens, I want that orange piece of shit in a fucking grave.

I wanna know what’s in that cooler...

Although, looking at the full shot on her FB it looks like she’s got a grateful dead sticker on that bad boy too. Which might just mean she’s who I’d be if I were Texan? Which then means the cooler’s full of greek yogurt and diet coke. Less intimidating.

Carcasses. Right? It has to be carcasses.

That....looks like a gun case? Am I wrong? Yeah I’m wrong. My perspective was screwed up. Carry on.

I wanna know what’s in that cooler...

I screwed up and confused them with the BET Hip-Hop Awards, which happened tonight. Story’s been updated with the correction.

The real nightmare would be trying to cook that thing so that everything is done at the same time.