

He didn’t attend his grandfather’s funeral—the same grandfather he once called before every game.

Rule #1 at my house this year, NO POLITICS. Anyone who brings up the election doesn’t get any of my bourbon pumpkin pie and not to brag but that is a serious threat :)

My gastrointestinal distress mirrors the agony of my soul.

Can’t stop crying or shitting. All day.

Well, hey. Trump may have a blank check to destroy this county for everyone who isn’t wealthy, white and male, but we can all take comfort in the fact that Mitch McConnell will push back against congressional term limits. He’s truly the hero we deserve.

You went from being young and naive to old and stupid.



I took it seriously.

First you mourn. Then you stand up, brush yourself off, and get back to it.

Despair is the realm of cowards.

At least an uncut pecker wouldn’t grab a woman by the pussy. Just playfully poke.

If I find that one I’ll add it!

FUCK I could have sworn I called him a walking uncircumcised penis somewhere but now I can’t find it. But anyway he looks like a walking uncut dick

That’s disgusting. Coke is clearly superior.

It’s like this whole nightmare election season existed in order to make this sentence possible.

Carlotta Danger.

Lesbe honest....that was pretty good.

Nice to see Huma has finally sworn off Weiner for good.

Man, that’s a good way to get yourself Siouxed.