I fooled you. I fooled you. I got pig iron. I got pig iron. I got all pig iron
I fooled you. I fooled you. I got pig iron. I got pig iron. I got all pig iron
You might also want to find out if you are permitted to keep chickens. In many urban/suburban environments chickens (pets or not) are not allowed.
I’m new to this, but when the little guy falls down, I try to either laugh or cheer because I’m bad at not reacting at all and I do this to not freak him out. This is probably how the guys at Jackass got their start.
When I see a kid fall face-first onto the ground I immediately whoop and cheer and look excited, like they just did a mad trick. 99% of the time, they’re too confused to be upset and just pick up and keep going like nothing happened.
I want her and Sarah Palin to have a televised spelling bee.
Counterpoint: 4chan was a mistake
There’s like, an entire subgenre of “ripped shirtless dudes eating giant meals” videos, right next to the “Korean ladies in schoolgirl outfits eating so much food they’re uncomfortable and burping a lot”.
“I’m sad that whatever potential DDL role that requires large burrito-eating doesn’t exist.”
Similar to the bloody nose I got while trying to bring all of the groceries in from the car in one trip.
Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.
A charging buffalo will break through a gorilla wall easily. A cape buffalo weighs in at 1300 lbs and an American bison is even bigger. Your average gorilla is weighing in at under 400lbs.
I don’t know how to do gifs and emojis. But I’ll just type blank face and leave
*blank face*
I am a teacher (High school math, formerly English and History), and I cannot find this amusing. I remember being 9 and getting mad when a teacher was wrong. Germany isn’t landlocked Mrs. Hampton!
Yeeeup. I still havea Sega Genesis and its original box (which is really enthused about 16 bit technology). Though, to be fair... who doesn’t wanna go back and play more Toejam and Earl sometimes?!
I swear, I’ll totally turn on my launch-era 360 I’ve had for over a decade again, even though more reliable models are dirt cheap and I can pick one up at any point!