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    Do they still do field sobriety tests in the US? Has anyone told you lot about breathalysers? 

    Now that’s a well-considered, thoughtful opinion. Good work.

    I remember firing up Vice City on PS2 the first time and hopping on an Angel while Toto’s ‘Africa’ played on the radio and the sunset sent lots of lens flares my way.. man. Knew I was going to love that game. Recently replayed it on PC and still love it, horrific difficulty spikes and all. 

    Good old Uncanny Valley response to the rescue. As this shit gets more prevalent, that response is going to be vital

    Bats are by and large harmless, gentle creatures that do nothing but good by eating lots of annoying insects. Please do not besmirch their good name by comparing Rudy to them. Even if the odd one does have rabies.

    Can I very highly recommend it as a place to visit. I actually remember seeing Kodiak there maybe ten years ago. He’s frigging enormous. 

    Probably worth mentioning that Singapore has ferocious libel/slander/defamation laws: defamation is a criminal offence as well as a civil matter. They’ve historically been used by the government to silence dissidents

    No mention of Das Boot? 

    Reading Ulysses is fun. It’s not have as difficult as its made out to be (alright, Oxen Of The Sun is heavy going). Finnegans Wake on the other hand...never made it past page 42

    Jesus. Why would you try to get INTO QLD? (just kidding)

    And of course I always picture Cheryl/Carol/Crystal when she says things like that.

    I sold my PAL GC Twilight Princess  many years ago because I was broke as a joke and needed the cash quick. Wish I’d hung onto it mainly because I just want to play it on the Cube rather than Dolphin. Not pissed off about how much its worth now (which is chump change in terms of the games mentioned above)

    Yup. US wingnuts have been trying to influence politics in this part of the world for a while. The “No” campaigns in Ireland’s two recent referenda on Gay Marriage and Abortion both saw large influxes of very shady money from the US. Sadly for them folk in this part of the world take a very dim view of such things and

    In my experience of South Yorkshire, pretty much everything is greeted with a grunt and a shrug.

    That’s Norf London Caribbean in its purest form, down to the “Oh my days”. Looks like its Southgate. Been a wee while since I’ve been in that manor so I could be wrong

    Would it, though? I know what you’re saying but the ability of your average American turkey to vote for Christmas is impressive. (not limited to the US: see Brexit)

    No mention that these charges weren’t dropped for lack of evidence but due to statute of limitations/victims wanting to leave this part of their life behind while that piece of shit was hiding in London.

    That’s been part of his schtick since he was getting started in politics, guest-hosting “Have I Got News For You” and, of course, getting caught cheating on his wife. This rumpled, overgrown public-schoolboy scamp act to hide a scheming closet fascist.

    I’m loth to encourage more slideshows on Bleacherfeedmodo dot com, but 20 or so pics of this cat would get Herb Spanfeller my clicks

    I laughed out loud at this. Nice one.