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    Yes, the odd bit of WWII-vintage unexploded ordinance does show up in Europe from time to time. There was an awful lot of it around during the 40s.

    Herbs won’t pay for copy editors.

    Not to mention being absolutely beautiful. My favourite aircraft.  And of course ironically the “Dove” was the first plane from which a bomb was dropped..

    Yo, Justice. We have empirical proof that climate change is real, so if you can show us similiar for your imaginary friend who’s going to give us time to fix it, that’d be cool.

    That’s one of the best little vignettes in the entire series.. especially the payoff last line.

    I have a feeling that review has its tongue firmly in its cheek

    “Shadrach Feild” “Gentry Mikesell”... there was no need to mention this happened in Utah, we’d have guessed from the context

    That’s just a beautiful, beautiful machine.

    These are the same people who think “Keep On Rocking In The Free World” and Springsteen’s “Born In The USA” are great GOP campaign songs because they’ve never listened to the verses

    The only people in Ireland who are that angry about England are morons.. like this idiot (edit: the guy in the article, not any of you wonderful folk) . We are mostly at peace about our neighbours (aside from pointing and laughing about how wonderfully Brexit is working out for them)

    I’ll say it. I love Armageddon. Yes, it’s stupid as hell and barely has a plot and if I never hear that fucking Aerosmith song again I’ll die happy. But it’s a ton of fun and the ensemble cast (and there’s some serious talent in tiny roles here) are also clearly having a hoot. Buscemi alone is worth price of

    It’d be much better if Gettr was Fugazi. Then at least we’d have kick-ass tunes before Ian MacKaye makes all the nazis sit in the corner and think about what they did wrong. 

    its because they’re bigoted twats. 

    Three utterly contemptible turds go and make lazy jokes about the French while indulging in classic English jingoism. Or, basically every Top Gear/Whatever episode ever (OK, sometimes they mix it up by joking about the Welsh or mocking physically disabled people).

    It’d be really good if a professional writer or, heaven forfend, editor might spot that the name of one of the two surviving monotreme species in the world is misspelled in the fucking headline of the article. 

    I’m thankful for your shitty overlord Herbs bringing back the web of 10/15 years ago with autoplaying videos, constant ads and slideshows as far as the eye can see. It’s like Bleacher Report all over again.

    It’s the tactic perfected by the SLPC.. use the Civil Courts to effectively bankrupt these fucking arseholes because of the unfortunate difficulty in getting Criminal convictions

    duh, it’s A kansas..

    As someone who started gaming on a ZX Spectrum, I wholly endorse your last point. There’s freaking N64 games that I still need to get around to.