
Others have corrected you on the fact that New Zealand is unlike Zealand not part of Europe.

I know what my kitties have dreamt over the years :

That piece of shit rapist should rot in prison.

That sounds promising. Perhaps you should offer to run a training course.

Hm. On the one hand, yeah, suing over content is problematic to free artistic expression. On the other hand, I don’t see the recommendation engine as speech. Did the engine specifically target suicidal children and push them over the edge? Probably not, but who knows? Not even Netflix does. That’s the problem with

The one thing I wish we could figure out in science, is to allow people to re-experience something as if it were the first time. Because like you, the first time I fired up Vice City, I felt that. It was like a new paradigm in gaming experiences. 

People should have realized his studies were quackery after they saw his name was Wandrew Aakefield.

“I’m being indicted for tax fraud.”

Gun nuts are a special kind of stupid. 

 In the immortal words of Basil Fawlty, I hope it's nothing trivial. 

Yes, a proper track should have a sand trap and a tire barrier with a catch fence.

This live action Bert & Ernie reboot looks awful.

I still have my ZX Spectrum 48K, and I showed it to my kids a couple of years ago. They laughed at it at first, but they had good fun with Manic Miner, Atic Atac and other classic games. Most of the games still loaded perfectly fine from 35+ years old cassettes. 

Funny how you think it would take that long.

And if The Donald is tied to a stake with his life on the line in front of a raging bull elephant, I’d pay big money to watch that.

NFTs were clearly created as a scheme to get more people hooked into the cryptocurrency ecosystem. You cannot directly buy NFTs with fiat currency. Headlines that state an NFT “sold for millions of dollars” obfuscates this detail. The NFT was exchanged for an amount of cryptocurrency that is currently valued at

“They’re only complaining about is on Gizmodo. None of the commenters are complaining about it on Deadspin.”

On The Verge of being a former GMG reader.”