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    Aye. I still get the Lancet (partly because it’s free) but it also seems to have steered clear of most dubious shite after getting burned over the Vaccines/Autism bullshit (I’ll not name the former MD who authored that pile of crap)

    This would seem to be the right answer

    The insane escalation of Open Access publishing fees at Journals (including the venerable JAMA, which charges $5k) is rapidly turning what is supposed to be the most rigourous academic environment possible into something closer to vanity publishing. It’s a worry. 

    He’s a complete cunt

    gun nuts are never funny until they accidentally blow their own balls off. Then I laugh

    also, a knife is a thing that exists if you want a really short stabbing device

    what sort of utter cunt puts a bayonet on a fucking handgun? When I was in the Poor Bloody Infantry we were told to fix bayonets only when last bloody resort because they fucked up the aim on our FN rifles. What that weight must do to the already terrible accuracy of a handgun is hilarious

    really stupid people with cash who like guns is a no-brainer (literally)

    that is the correct answer

    I’ve heard those horror stories of unfortunate people who’ve had the living hell hiccups for decades... and I wish those decades on this fuckwipe.

    Cassandra Anderson to the rescue. Good reference, that man.

    that works

    Beautiful story about your mother, Germain. Mine policed my watching habits to, to the point where I’m probably one of the few non-coulrophobes among my peer group because I didn’t get to see Tim Curry as IT when I was a kid.

    “I was supposed to go into space this week? Shit, I have eighteen holes booked with Trump for a 12 tee time”.

    It’s one of the more egregious “False Friends” that professional bloody writers shouldn’t be making. See also “Eek out a win”

    I think you mean ‘dilapidated’ rather than ‘depilated’ there, unless the mansion has just had a Brazilian..

    I remember when Edge, PC Gamer, Gamestm, Retro Gamer and PC Zone were essential purchases each month. Also an insight into why I was always broke in my early 20s

    Have you ever seen more punchable faces? Outside of the Trump family, of course. 

    Counterpoint: anyone stupid enough to take financial advice from some prick on the Internet deserves no sympathy 

    Nope. Just in the novelization