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    Waitlists are pretty grim in some of the European public health systems.. but that’s more to do with generations of Neolib governments gutting their funding in an effort to privatise them rather than the model itself

    when I was writing my dissertation my fiancee compared the sounds of my typing to a herd of cattle on a ballroom floor 

    I’m intrigued by a mechanical... but I’m afraid I might break it! 

    Becoming a Pharmacist here in Ireland requires a 5 year degree course that has a near-maximum point level requirement for entry (we have a different system to the US and UK.. put it this way, the only people who need to scorer bigger in their final Secondary School exams are Doctors, Vets and Actuarys) which seems

    “ancient technology” may be a bit harsh. I learned to type on a manual Olivetti in the 1990s because we were too poor to buy a word processor. Since then I’ve cost myself a lot of money in computer keyboards because my typing style is somewhat harsh..

    Yes, I can see a swift out of court settlement here, likely in seven figures. No way in hell Capcom will want this in front of a jury

    Funt being another good portmanteau

    now that’s not too bad a price! I work in a bookstore, so I was looking at retail cost over here in Ireland

    the Blacksad bandes dessinees have been issued in English but I think they’re mostly out of print or in a really expensive collected edition. Worth tracking down.

    fairly certain the President of the US wasn’t here in recent history.. but glad he’s putting pressure on about our hideous corporate tax rates

    Cool! My 48k (which I was gifted in the late 80s by an older cousin who used to write reviews for one of the Speccy mags, hence the shit ton of games) died in the 90s. I bought the 128 on a whim in Cambridge around 2004. I’ll deffo get the games out next time I’m at my folks (not had me jabs yet) and see what happens.

    I’ve got a 128k +2 and around 120 games in my parents attic. Was working fine last time I turned it on, about 10 years ago. Must get it down and see how its doing. Not sure how the cassettes are after 30+ years but worth finding out, I guess

    Those are fine examples of Spoonerisms (after the Rev Archibald Spooner). It’s my belief that every man has an automatic tendency to spoonerize statements kick in after his Bortieth Firthday

    Great article but..

    My mother had a Simca 1000 right before I was born. Apparently it was a bit of a pig to drive but she still has a certain fondness for it. 

    Yes. “Ready, Donj? OK, 3-2-1 go..oh he’s a grease stain”

    Of course they hate fun. That’s why they live in Walsall which is an utter, utter shithole

    all 6 seconds of it

    Trump Jr vs a lion, hippo, rhino and enraged bull elephant.. no guns, just hand-to-hand. That I would pay to see and watch on repeat forever

    One of my biggest regrets was selling my GC and games (including PAL Twilight Princess. D'oh!) years ago. Luckily, due to the wonders of Dolphin I've recently replayed Eternal Darkness, Wind Waker, Animal Crossing and Killer 7. That was a great console. Retro? I guess it is