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    Similar. Had half an eye out for a reasonable 2nd hand one for Wind Waker HD alone.. but then Dolphin swam into my life.

    Currently stuck on Phantom Ganon in both Wind Waker and Ocarina. Not fun. See also the DomZ Robot in Beyond Good And Evil.. a piece of piss to defeat with PC controls. With a d-pad... not so much

    Getting FB out of my life was a wonderful decision. Twitter went next. Blissfully social media free.

    There are very, very few politicians that I hold in lower esteem than Nick Clegg. Born with a silver spoon shoved up his bum, did shitty rich kid things as a shitty rich kid, sold his entire (admittedly useless) party’s manifesto out for the chance to be David Cameron’s sidekick and aided and abetted plunging Britain

    Right? This is why we domesticated the cat


    Yes. Japan has essentially pretended that all that unpleasantness in the 30s and 40s never actually happened.

    I'm conflicted about who I'm cheering for here. Sure, the Techies need curbing but anything Soot Morrison and the Libs are up to has to be highly suspect, especially with Murdoch lurking in the background. 

    While I do feel bad for the gamers who want to get the latest, bleeding edge games running at incredible resolutions.. I opted out of the graphics card wars years ago when I realised that there were already more games out that I wanted to play but would never have time for, so I don’t really need to update my graphics

    You may want to have an editor take a second look at that sentence. Although elsewhere  ‘Earnest’ is spelled ‘Ernest’, maybe a first look is due.

    Anecdotally, not just from me but from several other people I know who suffer from hayfever, the last three-four years have been one solid hayfever season. I’m sneezing allergy sneezes and taking antihistamines daily all year round rather than building them up in late winter.

    It hasn’t helped me at all, sadly. Have to have at least four masks with me at work due to the sneezing.

    There is a long and hideous history of nazi punk bands. Not just punks flirting with nazi imagery to be edgy. Actual fascists. See Skrewdriver. White Boss, Dentiste and half the hardcore bands from Huntingdon Beach in the early 80s for reference

    I say Call Of Duty, I mean Counter Strike. Yes, I’m old.

    I got turned off online gaming forever by Counter Strike cheats way back when. I’m assuming that little has changed today other than the slang used to abuse you by the aimbot-using teen who just got a headshot on you from half a mile away.

    Win95? American rubbish. Britain is going back to the ZX Spectrum, mate. Made in Britain! ENGERLUND ENGERLUND ENGERLUUUUND!!

    Good review of a great comic. But why now? Volume 2 has been out since May 2019. Heartstopper is already on Volume 3 with the fourth installment due in May 2021

    This is why Americans don’t deserve Roald Dahl. 

    Apologies for extremely late reply, but in the interest of Geo-social linguistics.. ‘Spit The Dummy’ is an Australian expression for throwing a temper tantrum.. we say ‘Dummy’ in the other Anglophone nations where Americans would say ‘Pacifier’. So think of a toddler spitting out its pacifier in rage and that gives

    Wait... Walmart made "14.88 billion"?  14.88. MIND BLOWN.