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    “Palette”? Are you painting with this beer? I assume the Herbs have done away with all copy editing. (This is not a dig at Brian, it’s just to reiterate that Spanfeller is a Herb).

    In Ireland, any film about being deluged with water is called “The Weather Forecast”

    It’s always amazing when these things turn up, as they do frequently on this rainy little island that has been continously inhabited for at least 10,000 years. I’ve been in the Newgrange monument and its really something. There’s an annual lottery to be one of the ten or so people who can be in the chamber at sunrise

    Eh. He should have said “British Isles” as that’s our geographic location. But getting annoyed by Americans misusing “British” is a waste of all our time here in Ireland, England (as a Rolling Stone reporter once referred to the Cranberries home)

    Telescopes get the coolest names. 

    Yes. I kind of knew about the “madness” gimmicks in Eternal Darkness when I played it but damn if the “Deleting Save File” didn’t make me jump out of my seat the first time it happened.

    Also: Measure Once, Cuss Twice (or into infinity)

    Roo populations have a tendency to explode every so often to the point where they practically take over small towns. Eventually starvation thins the numbers back. They don’t really have natural predators (Dingoes get very young or old and sick ones) so you’ve had the army going up in helicopters to mass cull them.

    I recall a similar furore about 10 years ago over the Irish townland of Effin (which I grew up about three miles from). There was a heated campaign to allow Effin to be used on Facebook. I have no idea if they succeeded because I ditched Facebook as anyone with a regard for their own mental health should do.

    I assume you don’t consider people from the North of England decent then? 

    I don’t want to sound like a horrible pedant, and great article.. but in the interest of accuracy, George Orwell’s book is “Nineteen Eighty-Four”. The film used the numerals 1984. 

    exactly this. 

    It took one school shooting for the UK to effectively ban private ownership of handguns. The US death cult about guns is baffling to those of us overseas.

    Amen. And it should include Christmas trading. 

    Yes. We set up fatballs and a seed feeder near the kitchen window and it’s basically the Super Bowl crossed with Game Of Thrones finale for the cat. The birds have figured out that she can’t get near them and ignore her.

    “Arseholes Ruined Everything” is the perfect epitaph for the internet

    In addition to the general explotative shittiness of their business model, Deliveroo cyclists are a menace (and I’m not blaming the riders: they’re obviously under huge pressure to deliver within set windows). It’s now commonplace here in Ireland for Deliveroo riders to hurtle along footpaths at top speed, run red

    That fucken logo must have set them back about $15. Paid to someone’s eight year old nephew who is really good with Corel

    I miss 2CVs. I’m old enough to remember my little rural Irish village having a couple of 2CVs, Morris Minors, Triumph Dolomites and even a Hillman Hunter (that was held together with rust and baling twine) running around in the mid-80s

    Utterly horrible music. Middle class Tobys and Jakes dressing like barmen from the turn of the century and putting banjos where they don’t belong.