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    Audrey Tautou as Jade. Casting made easy

    Yes. I wait it out. But yer dead right. Unacceptable! 1,000 Years Dungeon

    I have a fairly mild reading disability that means I have to fully concentrate on the sentence that I’m reading. You can imagine my joy at having a hovering, unskippable video at the top of each page. Yes, I enjoy reading the same sentence sixteen times before it mercifully goes away.

    You ain’t wrong but as someone who ticks most of those boxes you mentioned above I filled the fucking form out with some choice words about hovering autoplaying videos that make it impossible for me to read articles on my phone and have me on the verge of being a former GMG reader.

    Right? Feckless comes from a Northern England/Scottish variation on “Lack of effect”. Of course in Ireland we use ‘Feck’ as a politer version of ‘Fuck’ so it works that way too...

    I’m stunned that retailers aren’t going to enforce mask wearing. I work in an independent bookshop in Ireland and we insisted on masks when we reopened six weeks ago (masks became compulsory in Ireland last Monday). If you had a valid medical reason to not wear one we politely asked that you observe social distancing

    “sit down, Waitrose, it's time we had a little chat. OK, when a mummy duck and daddy duck love each other very much.... "

    Yes! Last five minutes of TS3 turns me into a blubbering wreck every damn time. Artistically it was the perfect end to the trilogy but the Mouse House will wring every last cent out of it with sequels

    God, Supergrass were a lot of fun. Way ahead of the dreary britpop pack that were their contemopraries

    I’m trying hard to think of something less essential than gathering with fellow halfwits to send happy thoughts to your imaginary friend. Struggling with that. Maybe giving yourself papercuts because it’s really nice when you stop?


    True, that. You’ll get away with calling an Aussie a Kiwi, but if you call a Kiwi an Aussie.... well, they might tut-tut at you.. yes, that bad  :)

    Wrong country, mate. That's Australia. NZ has some nasties but nothing like its not so near neighbour. Most dangerous creatures in NZ are drivers. 

    I can remember spending HOURS as a ten year old rewinding and frame-advancing that shot trying to see the knife entering Lo Pan's head. The magic of movies had yet to hit my dumbass self 

    Has America discovered cryptic crosswords yet? Just one on-his-game Paul crossword from the Grauniad is days of fun

    You should add that Hancock came out of isolation after a week. And Raab is possibly the stupidest person in the cabinet. Which is saying something

    who says you have to guillotine thir neck? Start at the toes and work up.

    Right? Anthea Bell and Derek Hockridge's translations are genius in their own right, somehow making groan-inducing French puns even worse.... 

    This is also very true... but like I said, trying to give the shortest possible answer to an an incredibly complex question. We could be here all year otherwise!

    If you defrag your hard drive you’ll be fine..