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    Yup. All his ‘brains’ trust is waiting for is reported cases of COVID-19 among people forced to queue at DNC primary votes. Then he can claim a public health reason for delaying the election.

    Could we use this outbreak as an excuse to shut down Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc and then forget to turn them back on when it's all over? 

    Believe you me, there is no short and simple answer there. If I had to try to boil it down.... Protestants from (mostly) Scotland were shipped over to Ulster in the early 17th century to displace the rebellious Catholic locals (basic ethnic cleansing). Therefore their descendents, ideologically loyal to Britain,

    Marmite on toast. Trust me. 

    “Donald, there’s this bunch of people in The Netherlands who really want to meet you. Tremendous supporters of law and order. And I hear Famke Janssen will be there”

    More important: where are we getting together to talk about Scabspin launching?

    phew. Thanks, mate

    I’m going to go out on a limb and guess you’re from NZ (smiley emoji goes here). Cats are an absolute disaster in Aus/NZ and driving indigenous species towards extinction. In Europe, they’re deffo having a massive impact on rodent species. Love my cat, but she lives indoors. 

    Am I a terrible person for hoping that TangoFuhrer and his various old fart fascist pals have all contracted the virus from Bolsanaro or some CPAC chud and die? I hate to wish it on anyone but these fuckers have so much blood on their hands already and their non-response to this is going to kill people too...

    See, also "incredible" health service. Yer right, Mikey, it beggars belief. 

    it’s just simple ideology, mate. Speaking as another Irish person who remembers how idiotic our governments response to foot and mouth was back in the 2000's, all he wants to do is say “Free movement of people is bad” and Stephen Miller wrote his struggle for him

    This is nothing but ideological point-scoring. Stephen “Goebbels” Miller wrote this and it’s simply a platform for Cheetolini to say (adopts David Roth Trump voice) “Yuh, it’s because open borders which many people are saying is bad and more plague happens because Koo Stark doesn’t call anymore. You hear it.”

    He (or Miller) doesn’t realise that the free movement of people within the EU doesn’t stop in the UK until 2021. Among many other things that they don’t understand. 

    It's clear these cretins don't realise that the non-Schengen countries have essentially open borders with the rest of the EU. You just have to cross sea and show a passport. Free movement doesn't end in the UK till 2021.

    Am I mistaken or doesn't filing a DMCA mean that you assert that you are the copyright holder or their agent, on pain of perjury? Seems like a lot of risk for low reward. Course, if they're in Russia, the point is moot I guess 

    May I speak for everyone else in the world by asking “What the fuck is wrong with American tastebuds?". That shit like this is for sale as food is as big an indictment of your country as President Trump. 

    I think it was Hunter Thompson who once pointed out that if Eisenhower had run as a Democrat (which apparently he very nearly did) the Republican party would be like the KKK now (in terms of popularity rather than policy. I think!)

    Yeah, Uber has been kept out of Ireland thus far (although our low corporation tax means that it has offices here) partly because Taxi drivers had to take regulation about 15 years ago (and it was a shitfight) which weeded out most of the bad people. There would be a huge political downside for  any one trying to

    My friend, you have written the perfect epitaph for this doomed timeline. Ten Fucking Stars.