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    ‘In Spite Of Ourselves’ the duet with Iris Dement. I asked her if she wanted to be the “Big door prize”.

    As all cricket fans know, the actual answer is “Ashley Giles”

    Last summer I proposed to my better half by dropping on one knee in our backyard and quoting John Prine (no, not “There’s a hole in daddy’s arm where all the money goes/jesus christ died for nothing, I suppose”). She knew it was coming, I knew it was coming, the answer was never in doubt but I still felt like a bag of

    I clicked on the video and my Ireland-based internet saved me from having to watch it . Insh’allah,

    and they knew what was coming next, too...

    speaking as someone who used to have pet goats... they’re the most adorable assholes you can imagine. Like cats but on cheap speed. 

    “President Monotreme”. Although that’s unfair on the poor Platypus and Echidna who are equally ridiculous but harmless and adorable. 

    This is why I refuse to watch the actual videos. 10 seconds of listening to that come out of his actual cloaca would damage my brain to the extent that I would start to care about clothing brands and incidentally forget about Mahler.

    It pains me to say it, but you’re dead right, mate. 

    I should add that I’m Irish, born in the UK and brought up here. Went back over there to work for 10 years. Last time I voted in England was kicking the BNP out of Barking in 2010. Which felt good. 

    I will add that folk both in the UK and the wider world are calling Corbyn “Far-Left”... he’s as far left as Clement Attlee in that he wants the NHS, public ownership of pubic services and a state that doesn’t let it’s most vulnerable suffer and die for no reason. Which most British people also want. 

    No, no he won’t. Because the British press, including the left-leaning ones like the Grauniad , have spent the last few years demonising Jeremy Corbyn for the sin of being an actual socialist in charge of a nominally socialist party. I’m gutted that the only voice on the Graun that I now really trust is that of Steve

    I wouldn't quite describe myself as 'successful' but I used to have a modest Redbubble store and got thoroughly sick of seeing images I publicised on twitter showing up all over the place. Even though there was a note on the site saying it was cool to use them for noncommercial reasons, with attribution. I was

    Fun fact: earlier this year a bunch of little scrotes vandalised some train layouts that were left overnight in a school hall ahead of a show. Rod pitched in £10,000 to help with the repairs (not that any amount would make up for the man-hours). 

    amen, my friend

    Thanks for that Hallmark Cards philosophy. 

    that was the joke. Actual human beings like the war criminal Kissinger already committed heinous crimes against humanity. 

    Imagine if an AI went rogue and rained bombs and napalm on a neutral country, killing and maiming thousands of innocent people? Only thing I want to from that fucking war criminal is that he's handing himself over for trial at the Hague.

    While you’re not wrong I’m just going to add a tiny bit of nuance to what the song is “about”: it uses Bloody Sunday as a metaphor for the Troubles as a whole: U2 were, to their credit, always vehemently anti-sectarian even when it got them into strife (see Bono yelling angrily at pro-IRA Irish-Americans in the Rattle