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    amen, my friend

    I’d imagine they’re gone shortly...

    Drew has gone as of this AM. Billy, too I believe. So that leaves what, Roth and Dom? Can’t see either of them sticking around. The big news in social media (just to get back on topic as that is VERY important) is that Twitter is full of outpourings of sorrow, affection and support for the Deadspin folk. Also some

    I feel like someone died. Fuck this for a game of soldiers. 

    Congratulations, you have just won one (1) Internet. Where would you like us to deliver it?

    Delighted with this.. as a Cubs fan I’m inclined to root for any NL team in the WS (with the obvious exception) and the Astros recent shitbaggery makes it all the sweeter. And I always enjoyed Fernando Rodney for his whole 12 IP ERA 0.75 for the Cubs back in 2015. Even though we didn’t get a bow and arrow.  

    Also, Luigi would never use humans as slaves/batteries/target practice. Mario... Yeah, I can see him going Skynet on the world.

    I think we're all grateful for that.

    What are those fucking accents meant to be? 

    Aye. Tail-end of one passed over in 2014 and caused havoc in Munster (we were without power for eight days due to two huge fucking cypress trees coming down, luckily away from the house and taking out the electricity lines). But yes. This is not normal Irish weather. 200 year old oaks wouldn’t get blown over if they

    I see some "Climate change dunt course did" chuds in the comments. Meanwhile we're gritting our teeth here for the second hurricane-adjacent experience in as many years which is not normal. I hope the repairs after Ophelia hold.


    I think this says as much about his soggy reflexes as anything because I’d have been under the fucking desk in the time it takes him to roll away from that huge fucking annoyed bird

    Yes. Future putdown: "Son, you are depriving a village somewhere of a Burfictly good idiot"

    I, for one, cannot wait to hear Stephen A Smith using this terminology and reasoning next time there’s a replay controversy.

    You should really gather his articles under the subhead "A Burfict Circle"

    Of course Mark Ronson loves dumb people: who else would listen to his horrible fucking music?

    The “computer says no", on the other hand, is a catchphrase from 00's TV comedy show "Little Britain".

    Alison Jackson springs to mind. Her lookalike photos are often uncanny..

    Whats the betting that the Dear Leader assumed that it was a plan to attach an actual cement block and chain to every NK citizen?