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    Can the next Deadspin video be Luis going up to people in Bury and Bolton and informing them that they are in Manchester? Get his blood type first, though. 

    This is an excellent and true opinion. 

    Yup. Aside from all the wonderful joy and fun he brings to the game, he also makes all the right joyless berks angry. Win-win.

    The next batch of Dead Letters should be interesting. 

    I feel like AT&T Sportsnet doesn't get the abuse it deserves: it's down there with the NESNs of this world. Their Penguins callers are godawful, too. 

    More likely it’s because, living in Philadelphia, he thinks “Fuck you” is how you say “Hard luck”. Also “Please", "Thank you", " Get well soon" etc

    Now there's an episode of American Pickers I'd like to see..." What have you got to have for the missile? I know lots of guys who'd like it for their man cave. Literal caves, in this instance"

    Now there’s an idea....

    In theory, yes but in practice.. maybe not. A civil servant as senior as Darroch is to all intents and purposes unsackable and the FCO would regard any obvious attempts at political manouevres by someone who isn’t even PM yet as intolerable. Although the old civil service mandatory retirement age of 65 (which is

    If the US re-signed up to the compulsory jurisdiction of the ICJ several of their leaders could make this point in the dock at The Hague (wouldn’t ever happen, but Dubya and Blair being tried as war criminals is the sort of fantasy that helps me sleep at night)

    How many do you reckon have bespoke email signatures in neon Comic Sans? I’d guess at least 30%

    Well, way things are heading, you won't have this planet to hate for much longer.

    Thanks for that, from a Cubs fan. Now say something nice about Walker Lockett... actually, s’okay, don’t worry about it. 

    If he's attempting to pay with Euros in Cardiff, I'm surprised he even got served. 

    Its worth noting that for the last couple of years the more frothingly insane elements of the Right-wing press in the UK have made smartphones and computer games in the hands of children/teens their primary folk devil, blaming them for pretty much everything except global warming (because they say that isn’t real).

    It's a funny way of spelling "Gaping", alright.

    Great victory for the Peoples Republic of Uzwint. Now, when is the team from the USA playing?

    “Retch" not "wretch", god damn it!

    I win because Noseybonk was a thing that happened in front of my terrified face as a small child in the early 80s. 70s/80s British kids TV was its own special seam of horror.

    “Well, folks, the Anthropocene has been a blast but it’s about time we let the rats and cockroaches have a go”