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    Total coincidence, actually put Hunger Stike on the car stereo on the way back from the beach today. Loved that song back when I was a teen and it still kicks ass.

    Animal Crossing to the rescue.. I think?

    Bonus Blogcoins for use of “arsed”. “Can’t be arsed”, delivered in the right dismissive drawl is well worth importing from these parts. 

    it’s funny that charging for plastic bags, packing those bags and a deposit for a trolley are considered weird in the US. Since 2002 in Ireland we’ve had a government levy on every plastic bag (I think it’s around 25c (Euro) these days but TBH the only plastic bags you see in any retailer are heavy-duty ones that you

    Hey, you've got a "for" and "to" in there where you mean their homophone numbers...

    This is one of the dishes that I use to gauge a restaurant. Sadly, the small chain that dominates the Irish city that I live in makes an extraordinarily soggy, shitty Singapore Noodles. For a business whose very name is a type of noodle, their noodle dishes suck ass. Done right it’s a joy and both myself and my better

    Mrs. Trellis of North Wales approves.

    Yes. I am extraordinarily excited about this. Not least because my much younger co-workers won’t look at me like I’m a crazy person when I sing the Doom Song. Well, not as much, anyway.

    Now now, that should be (in the spirit of Dead letters) “I’m sukc xtremely Hard and a poles Of Sh**t”

    Who actually came up with “All Takes Matter”? 

    say it ain’t so. I’m not done scrubbing after cheering for them in 2011

    The only thing that dumbfounds me more than the idiocy of these cretins who write hate mail is the sheer volume of it directed at Chris. Obviously, I don’t know him IRL but Chris comes across as pretty much the nicest person to ever write for Deadspin (a low bar, I know). 

    Are any of you lunatics going to become rugby fans for the upcoming world cup in Japan just so that you so that you can plausibly day drink? (USA vs England kicks off at 6.45am ET)

    Shame Marchman is gone. He’d have written a 10,000 word post on why the answer is, actually, 387.

    yeah. That’s what I thought might be the issue... that metronomic stuff.

    You’re correct about prison in general: those commenting about ‘Tennis Jail’ do have a point, especially considering the carceral society in the US that overwhelmingly afflicts people of colour and the poor. But prison is prison. I’ve been in prisons as an academic on a visit and I’ll tell you what, knowing that you

    a whole bunch of people are likely going to tell you that feeding bread to waterfowl is, actually, very bad for them. I’m not going to do that because that video is awesome, especially the cut to the duck mother kind of enjoying taking a break from that unruly bunch of assholes and the gang rush of the Trumpian one

    Any mention of NBA Y2K is an excuse to remember this, probably my favourite Jon Bois post

    There’s probably a simple reason, but I wonder why NFL teams don’t look at more rugby kickers, whether from the US college/amateur programs or from abroad (see the burgeoning trend for Aussie punters)? Superb athletes, comfortable with chasing and tackling in the event of blocks/fumbles and also used to taking kicks

    and of course, things turned out just peachy for Polonius...