
Alright, goddammit! Who taught Urban Meyer how to use Kinja?

That’s a better nickname than Joe “Hart of a Champion” Hart had.

God it felt good to see Mandzukic score on Pickford after Pickford stood over him and yelled while he was hurt.

What makes you think Rick Carlisle is a douche (or that anyone else thinks he’s a douche)? He’s by all accounts one of the most respected people in the entire league, so much so that he’s the head of the coaches association. He’s a fantastic coach. But more than that, he seems like a really cool guy. He played piano

Come on, I don’t think anyone here is going to question your masculinity. We’re better than that...


Thank you for pointing this out. I meant to include it but I guess I forgot. Even if he gets a max deal, his max isnt Horford’s max. He’s capped at what he can make and it’s a low enough number that even if he receives “his” max, it won’t be considerably more than he would’ve made had he not given up $14 million this

Also, Otto Porter doesn’t have an injury history and is one of the best three point shooters in the league at a premium position. He’s literally one of the most efficient offensive players in the NBA. Players with one elite skill get paid, especially if that skill is shooting. It’s not really a comparable situation.

You keep bringing up deals that were signed in a very unique market. The cap spiked and teams incorrectly assumed that it would continue to go up and make those deals even out in a few years. Turns out they royally screwed the pooch and the cap froze.

Because he could’ve taken the 4 year 70 million dollar deal that he was offered by the Mavs. That contract would end when he’s 27, just entering his prime and poised for a big payday. Now that he took the QO, he would have to make $23 million a year for the following three years just to break even on that deal.

Exactly this. The cap isn’t going up in a meaningful way. The market for centers is down, with the small ball modern NBA, so that’s not helping his cause. Add in a million other factors and there’s a good chance this move costs him money. Christ, the Mavs could artificially deflate his value by not playing him much.

Edit: $23 million a year for 3 years to make up for taking the QO and passing on a 4 year, $17.5 million per year contract.

Well, the word is that he asked the Mavs for a max contract, making me believe that he’s not hung up on where he plays (as long as it’s not Philly). He sounds like he’s trying to make the best business decision for himself, and rightfully so. But this smacks of a terrible business decision. That’s all I was judging it

$23 million a year. Typo on my part although I think it’s pretty understood what it meant.

Also, how freaking unbelievable is it that two other NBA players would publicly shit-talk this decision? it blew my mind to see those two tweets.

He’ll have to make something like $23 million over the next three years to make up for this. He’s taking a massive risk with very little, if any, potential reward. This is a mind-boggling move that’s best summed up by two cold-blooded tweets from CJ McCollum and Wilson Chandler:

Wow, that brought me down. That makes me sad, man. I was going along, reading basketball analysis and jokes and then BAM I get hit with “my wife doesn’t like giving blowjobs” and my world got rocked. It’ll take me some Taylor swift goat to get back on top.

“Hold my beer.”

Please don’t spread this misinformation. It is not normal. A cop goes back to their car to run your record while you sit in your car. That’s how a traffic stop works. Do not get into a police officers car unless you are under arrest or legally obliged to. And especially not if it’s just a single cop by himself with no

This photo and Taylor Swift goat are the only two things that get me outta bed in the morning