Spokesman downplays negative behaviors, news at 11!
Spokesman downplays negative behaviors, news at 11!
If I were Romo’s vet, I’d be having a very difficult discussion with Candace right about now.
What people fail to grasp is that this season has just been one long audition for Jerry Jones and its going brilliantly.
Is posting about being 200 pages into Infinite Jest the new prominently displaying Infinite Jest on one’s bookshelf?
Purity, Jonathan Franzen
-Albert Burneko
KG would’ve won the Game of Thrones by season 2.
So, basicially, act like a person should in polite society and not like people do on Jezebel? Avoid controversial topics, don’t judge people, no passive aggressive behavior... But... but... How can we shame people as morally inferior to feel good about ourselves?
i enjoy my family and like spending time with them, where is my content
Wow. Clearly you don’t know a single thing about Jimmy Butler. His story makes most scrappy underdogs look like pampered pooches.
This is the Deadspin comment section. You’re not talking to anyone, really.
To: Barry Petchesky- barryp@deadspin.com
Faced with questions about his absence, D’Angelo replied with “Ain’t That Easy.”
The whole commercial is filmed in Nashville. The pothole they drive through is where they used to have the Dixie Chicks’ star in the Walk of Fame.
The commercial looks to be very accurate, that you can drive right up to it and park moments before the game begins because no one is there!
Like RB Antonio Andrews, who said playing in Nashville feels like playing on the road.
This comment might be the literal embodiment of Stockholm Syndrome.
I did get a chance to relax.
Those teams are all in the NCAA football playoffs. The real ones, not this thing ESPN cooked up.