We should be focusing on the most important part of this story: McGee. Congrats to Rick Pitino for graduating one of his players, you don’t see that in Lexington.
We should be focusing on the most important part of this story: McGee. Congrats to Rick Pitino for graduating one of his players, you don’t see that in Lexington.
I can’t blame Grantland’s staff for struggling with the change. Have you ever sat on a warm toilet seat in a public bathroom? It’s horrifying. I’m not grossed out by other people’s germs or anything, but sweet jesus, some things are unsettling. Like when you’re eating a bowl of popcorn and you see a spider crawl out…
“... going out of your way...”
Fennessey was Lowe’s direct editor so I am sure he feels weird about everything right now. ESPN obviously doesn’t want to lose him because he is probably one of their best writers, if not the best. But, I can see him just bailing now that Simmons and Fennessey both are gone.
UM was Texas before Texas was Texas.
Being a Michigan fan is in this kid’s DNA. There was a Wolverine pennant on the wall in each room of his parents’ childhood home.
This guy would be perfect for the January portion of the “Massholes of Michigan" calander.
I thought he had three different sized legs.
Embiid demanded a trade after Philadelphia wouldn’t let him take classes at Shirley Temple University.
It’s not hard to look like a choirboy when you’re in the same city as Patrick Kane.
That rook clearly was breaking some unwritten rules and needed to be knocked down a peg. You don’t show that much excitement on the field...disrespectful.
It really is La Fin Du Monde.
Unrelated, I’ve always thought Paul Sullivan is what Martin Prince will look like as an adult.
Pick one of the following statements from the University of Florida Athletic Director that applies:
If you’ve ever been to a White Sox game you’d know most of their fans aren’t from the south side. They’re from the suburbs and every bit as much trailer trash as Cards fans. I went to a game in April (then-ladyfriend was a Royals fan) and I could have sworn I was back in South Carolina.
As opposed to the knuckle dragging meatheads from the south side? Fans of the team that has the turnout as a Chicago Fire game, but come out the woodwork to hate on the other team? I’m actually kinda impressed at all the Sox fans that can read and write. Thought most of you are stuck on coloring.
So if you want a head coaching job at either USC or USC, send in those applications.
There’s a rumor that Kurt Loder is unhappy with his cable company.