
A 21 year old freshman?

It’s also worth listening to Terry Bradshaw’s comments today. I believe he said, “there’s no room in the NFL for someone who strikes a woman”. It was a refreshing take, and clearly off script, which made it even better.

Pretty strong words from a guy who regularly has to have someone else come and finish the job for him.

Favorite headline during Millen’s tenure in Detroit. “William Clay Ford fires 40,000 workers, none of them are Matt Millen”.

I much prefer Jim Tomsula’s stripper-heavy video. I redid all the wiring in my house with that thing.

Agreed. I'm thinking straight up from the pop culture side. Some combo of Greenwald, Rembert, Pappademas, Molly Lambert, Chris Ryan.

You’re the only one I’ve seen to mention Pappademas...I think this has a good chance. He just lost his other half and he has a wide range in the culture department.

Saw Rancid play all of “And Out Come the Wolves...” at Riot Fest last month. Blew away not just every previous Rancid show I've seen, but stole the whole weekend.

Damn, it’s been awhile. Such a great album.

Remember when nickelback referred to football? Back when you could actually play defense? Good times...

Needs to at least be asked: did you get her OK before posting this?

You make one adorable pinterest board, Barry

Best. Bat. Flip. Ever.

Made only creepier by the mention of Penn State football in the previous sentence...

Shame. Gilbert was and is a loon, but we’ve (Blackfolk from that era) always knew Gilbert was never “about THAT LIFE”—he’s the smartass jerk who’s talented enough to get away with it. The guy who, if it wasnt for basketball, would be a lawyer on The Good Wife or a doctor in a Shonda Rhimes series who bangs half the

“Tits McGee”?

To be fair, I don’t want anyone with titties calling baseball games for me either, which is why I’m thrilled that Curt Schilling is still suspended.

I’m sure the new stadium has larger and more plentiful luxury suites (which I’m also sure they project at 100% occupancy), may feature personal seat licenses (sure to go over well in St. Louis), and will charge more per seat. What I wonder about is what kind of revenue guarantees they’ve baked into the contract. I’m

Saw the headline, headed to the comments for the Always Sunny reference.