My dog had the same eyelid surgery as Lisa. They actually had to remove the foreskin from his penis to create new eyelids. He is perfectly fine now, just a little cockeyed.
My dog had the same eyelid surgery as Lisa. They actually had to remove the foreskin from his penis to create new eyelids. He is perfectly fine now, just a little cockeyed.
It’s about as stupid as students sending me emails from accounts like djbluntz@gmail instead of using their school-issued .edu account. Bonus if said email asks me to write them a recommendation.
I love Rex Ryan as much as the next fan, but a retread is a retread.
As an aside, every song on this album is killer. No Control is definitely worth your time and love at the low cost of 25 minutes of your time.
The greatest band of all time
On behalf of all Texans, please let me be the first to say:
“I offer the entire list of American heartland cities just to get Paris or London here in the States.”
(Immediately texts link to son that is going back to college this weekend)
They actually can’t even discuss the issue at family holidays, not since Rob insisted on telling Rex that the footings are all fucked up.
You know the COOLEST kids support lower league teams.
Good to see he wasn’t arrested and hauled off to jail. If CC isn’t careful, he is going to end up doing a lengthy stent.
Whats interesting is our need to place someone somewhere on a single line despite the fact that there are many different dimensions to the issues we face.
Hillary gets advance notice and a closed door private meeting, Sanders and O’Malley get ambushed. Right.
Berman is widely respected among his fellow judges for issuing careful rulings and treating all parties fairly, partly because he has an extreme aversion to being reversed by an appellate court. He really hates it when a case comes back, back, baaaaaaaaack!
Ohhhh. So that’s why Nick Denton’s been walking around with a football helmet on these past couple days!
I missed the punchline.
I dreamed a dream in overtime
Obviously none of those guys have been to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
If only the editors of the Star-Tribune had a way to hold this guy accountable by shining a light on his behavior when they first learned of it.