
+1 other hitchhiker’s quote: It is a well known fact that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.

Bolsonaro is gaslighting. Classic fascist bullshit. “Apologize for getting offended and I’ll maybe probably (but most likely won’t) stop the Amazon from burning down so I can make billions for myself and my elite friends and ethnically cleanse the Amazon of indigenous people!”

“I challenged him to come to my home, and call me a bed bug in front of my family. It would be a very cool affair. I would simply ask him to look my children straight in the eye, spit on them, and call me a bed bug. Afterword, my wife would make a lovely meal, we would call up our extended family and gather round, to

Depends on the alarm system. Mine alerts me via app when it’s triggered and gives me a grace period to turn it off. If I don’t, the alarm company calls me and asks for my code word. If I give them none or the wrong one, they assume duress and send the cops.


Bret, invite me to dinner at your house. I will NOT call you a bedbug. I will, however, give you a swirly and bang your wife. 

No dumbass, the police should have asked for his drivers lic which would have his name & address where he was at in his drawers. 

Libertarians are just Republicans who like to smoke pot.

This isn’t related to this article, but it’s still important.

Bret Stephens is the stooge who basically said Tucker Carlson can say whatever racist shit he wants because of free speech but someone calls this sensitive little baby a bug and he tries to get him fired ? What a massive tool

You know that if a Democrat wins 2020, these thundering shite gobblers will effortlessly pivot back to full-time “tax and spend” Democrat clichés; will they continue the obvious, nauseating Great Leader sycophancy however?

“Call me a bed bug, will you? Well just for that I’m going to get super annoying and relentless, invading your personal space. WHO IS THE BED BUG NOW?”

That’s not the only thing that’s bigger.

Alright guys, listen up!

This is disturbingly profound.

Disaster Donnie’s body language around murderous dictators is totally frightening. It’s the only time he ever seems truly happy.

I’m white and an adult, so since I’m saying it now, I guarantee ‘slaps’ is something the kids were saying a while ago

Not even gonna lie to you, this Christmas suit absolutely fuckin’ slaps

I’d almost bet money that Tom doodles “Thomas Bryant Cotton, Governor of Greenland” and variations thereof over and over when no one is looking.