
Yep. And there is absolutely no recourse for a "faggot." The guys hate you, the girls and women don't want to be around you. The only guys I knew way back when who got out from under that label were actually gay. Then, suddenly, all the women wanted to be their friend. That gay guys are the "safe" guy friends for

Isn't there a 1000 category? I mean the bet is pretty safe.

Leave poutine out of this. He can shut up, but he definitely shouldn't be eating poutine (which isn't for bastards, imho).

Yah really. Like, the guy could hire anyone of us to his campaign staff and we'd just have this shit SOLVED over whomever is feeding him now.

His mama likely believes he could never rape anyone. Not her baby.

Jameis Winston is a victim: a victim of being accused of rape, according to him.

You are right, there is no way you can "do it for us" in a literal sense.

Not getting laid isn't oppression

You don't get to talk about "most feminism" like it's a monolith and then advocate that it is feminists who aren't doing the listening.

You aren't getting it. Joseph Gordon Levitt and Terry Crews HAVE fulfilled their gender roles. Both are fit, attractive, and financially successful. Of COURSE they have room to be feminist supporting: they aren't in danger of losing out, they are already on top.

Then you are part of the problem. Toxic masculinity IS what is the problem for women, to pretend that you fix the problems of women without fixing toxic masculinity is just wrong.

The burden should not be solely on feminists. But it can't be without them. Men will oftentimes express uncomfortable feelings and emotions for women, and feminists in particular will tell men to shut up. Worse, even feminists reward the masculine men, and the un-masculine men are left wondering why they bother.

Without touching your ridiculous argument that we're on our way to a capitalist matriarchy

This. Goddamn it this right here. Everyone is all thinking that "fixing mens problems" is somehow abandoning women's problems. Its not. Women's problems are men. You fix the men, you fix the problems women face.

You see, you are still looking at this as "male vs female." You are reinforcing a gender binary with that thinking, not undoing it.

I've read men complaining about hyper masculinity but that tends to turn into blaming women for putting higher sexual stock in those type of men,


What you are doing wrong is conflating "gender issues" with "economic systems." It would be entirely possible to have a capitalist system that is pro-woman and is skewed against men. Hell, given graduation rates and the kinds of jobs available, one could make the argument we are fast on our way to just that kind of

Because they are still constrained by their gender role. If they give up being tough and emotionless, the world (and especially feminists) aren't going to treat them any differently. Somehow feminists still seem to seek out the traditionally masculine men and then want them to not have any of the flaws of

Fighting toxic masculinity is important, but it seems to me that expecting feminism to make that a focus when we have abortion under attack, a wage gap, no rights for pregnant women, street harassment, access to birth control, a sky high maternal mortality rate, and girls being bullied out of school for being