Gorilla at number 5? A tiger doesn't have opposable thumbs! It can't defend itself from attacks from above! A gorilla can rip your arms out by the sockets, then use them to create a bow and arrow and SHOOT YOU WITH YOUR ARM ARROWS.
Gorilla at number 5? A tiger doesn't have opposable thumbs! It can't defend itself from attacks from above! A gorilla can rip your arms out by the sockets, then use them to create a bow and arrow and SHOOT YOU WITH YOUR ARM ARROWS.
This. Cassiebear you are the BEST.
You're just that awesome. I mean, if I worked with you I'd totally try and get my stuff into shade court.
Now, I must note that Vulture originally suggested that these tweets were another example of unnecessary mansplaining that is often directed at women anytime we try to live our damn lives.
This. Rubin-Erdely is the real criminal (not literally a felon but you know what I mean). She prioritized a more, I wish I had a better word for this but I can't think of one right now (a bit mad), "glamorous" story with more drama over ACTUAL, REAL ASSAULTS. She could of talked to actual students who actually had…
This is basically the plot of last season's Newsroom, but applied to us.
Man, so much of this is so tame.
They desperately need new product. I thought the Zagato was a new age for them, and it was not.
Definitely a line in Isha's upcoming piece about Doritos porn.
I think you really overestimate them. Most of them will think this looks like a really good time.
Yah really. So I'm going to be offended that black people are acting like me? Hope yall like social anxiety!
Dude, I'm lower middle class and I enjoy the hell out of white trash parties.
The "status quo" also includes lots of black anger and frustration. What you are asking people to do is MAINTAIN the status quo.
Actually it is. There is no "black progress." No "black issue." This is an issue of how white people treat black people, it is a white problem. White people ARE THE PROBLEM. You aren't going to get a solution without white people talking about it.
Why are they all white? Has there ever been a black bachelorette on the Bachelor?
One group telling the other its wrong sounds hollow no matter how you spin it, though. White people telling white people that white privilege exists is way more convincing because its one of "your own."
And masculinities are not all about physical appearance.