This is Marnie singing at the company party levels of embarrassing.
Somebody needs to dub a Marnie orgasm scene with the rooster crowing from that last clip.
Luckily, according to their website's "star finder", there is no Woody Allen one. Only "Woody" I found was Woody Van Dyke, Woody Woodpecker and Herman Woody. Using his birth name of "Heywood" instead only brought up Eddie Heywood.
It's not mansplaining. Evidentally, Vulture assumed that only women would watch this Heigel show and that only men could be good enough for the CIA. They framed it like they were offended for the ladies, but those assumptions say a lot about them, too.
Good dad joke, CIA.
They do.
do you guys just run to her every time bellow KARA WAIT IS THIS SHADE?!
FYI two Shade Court submissions this week were mine.
This is what makes it so infuriating. There were no shortage of perfectly credible accounts of rape and sexual assault to use for the crux of the Rolling Stone story, but they stuck with the one that sounded the most dramatic, and used the victim's character and credibility as the foundation. Dammit all
The point of the Rolling Stone article? What point was that? They don't stand by the article. The whole thing has collapsed. The point is that a woman claimed a particularly gruesome and horrific gang rape occurred and people rushed to believe her — and denounce anyone who had questions — despite there was no evidence…
Well, that cute attorney down on 17 would be awfully comforting.
It's still true that very, very few rape accusations are false. It's still true that UVA's system for dealing with rape accusations is fucking atrocious.
What stands out to me in the Washington Post article are the quotes from other UVA students who are survivors of rape. Whether or not Jackie's story is true/partially true/untrue, rape still occurs on college campuses and gets mishandled by administration, and that's a huge problem. I really hope schools still take…
I love Yorkshire pudding. I so now what I am making next weekend: proper roast with puddings and mash.
I prefer "high-functioning alcoholic"
Brit here, so this might be gobbledegook to a lot of you: Toad in the hole with proper plump 90% pork Lincolnshire sausages. I put onions in the bottom of the tin, and the Yorkshire pud batter is always crispy round the edges and doughy in the middle, and crispy on the bottom. And oily. And oniony. And sausagey. Oh my…