I have no idea. I know someone (well, a friend of mine told a story about someone) who once had to have reconstructive surgery because his balls actually ended up back inside his pelvis.
I have no idea. I know someone (well, a friend of mine told a story about someone) who once had to have reconstructive surgery because his balls actually ended up back inside his pelvis.
I was helping out on a field trip, and this kid just started taking shots at all the dudes balls. Mine, the bus drivers, the security guard. I feel so bad for the security guard: the kid got a full on left hook into the guy, he had to be helped back to the security office where apparently he had to lay down.
It also, so the rumor goes, hurts like holy hell.
This. Cut her off from her backups and her producers, and she can crap out greatness faster than Piers Morgan can crap out smug.
Oh my god, there it is.
Oh my god...
Yah. I like how she was the most popular rapper of 2012, but now she just seems so.... played. Like, we already know and don't care.
Around these parts, "making your career" on talking about something doesn't mean we get to talk about it. See the reaction to Nicki Minaj talking about her sexuality.
See, what I don't get about this whole piece is that it presumes there are not "Dad's nights out" and "father away time." I had those as a kid. Sometimes we may not label something "Dad's night out," but it is.
OH MY GOD. FINALLY. Finally we have found something for white women to be as needlessly offended and over-defensive about as white dudes are about their white dudeness.
Eh, I refrain from giving them too much credit. Feels like it my dampen their edge some.
Agreed. I make a similar face when I am on full clench. This dude is just waiting to wobble, not walk but wobble with both legs fully extended and swinging in front of him, down the steps and to the nearest loo.
Chad from your Political Science class
Excellent. You are still in my "good Jezebellers" column.
You have a Hanukkah Basket? ITS NOVEMBER!
Is it patronizing, or utterly true? I just read an article about someone wasting their life watching a tv talent show. After a brief bit of soul searching, I decided that I, too, am wasting my life (by extension). So yah, I'm taking a course now, while I type this.
I am watching The Voice, and I am wasting my life doing so.
This. Just this. Has Drew never forgot where he parked and lost himself in the see of trucks and truck nutz?
This every team gets a $100 million budget for two cars and however many engines they want. Any team that violates this, or is found to have somehow received parts from their sponsor companies outside of the $100 million, gets a penalty to the cap next year.